How to Start YOUR OWN Camp with Camp Aranzazu
Written by: Carleigh Mitchell, Program Manager
As you may have read in previous blog posts, Camp Aranzazu operates using a partner model which allows us to keep costs as low as possible (many times even free!) for our campers and gives us the opportunity to bring in experts to assist with planning and management of each camping session. If you’ve ever wondered what it would take to start your own camp with Camp Aranzazu, this post is for you!
It wasn’t that long ago that I was sitting where you are wondering whether I could start my own camp with Camp Aranzazu. I was working with Special Olympics athletes in Corpus Christi, and I just knew that they would love the adventure and opportunity to challenge themselves with new activities. So, with intention and passion I moved forward with becoming a partner and jumped into planning my own camp — Camp CC Sol. It was a lot of work, but with the help of the Camp Aranzazu staff, the process was much smoother than I could’ve imagined.
As a partner, the benefits of your camping session will be bountiful, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that you won’t regret starting your own camp. I’m excited and honored to be on the other side of things now, helping potential partners create their own enriching camp experience!
The steps are simple. And, we’ll be with you every step of the way!
1. Identify a Need: Do you work with a population of people that don’t fit into one of our already established partner groups? Do you have a vision for how your group might benefit from an outdoor recreation/camping experience? If so, Camp Aranzazu might be a perfect partner for you!
2. Connect with our Camp Director, Amelia Smith: You can fill out our online reservation inquiry or reach out to Amelia directly to discuss your vision, talk through the needs of your group, and see if Camp Aranzazu can help you meet the desired outcomes of your session.
3. Complete a Commitment Form: Once you’ve discussed your vision with Amelia and it sounds like we’d be a good fit, you’ll be asked to complete a commitment form which will provide basic logistics for your camping session including the number of individuals you plan to bring, the point of contact, contact information, dates, timing, ages of the campers, etc.
4. Sign Contract and Pay Deposit: To officially book your camping session with Camp Aranzazu, you will need to complete our booking contract and pay your deposit. Once this step is complete, your camping session dates are secured, and your group is officially booked!
5. Sign Up Campers: While you stay in contact with our camp staff, you’ll be marketing your camping session to potential campers and collect sign-ups and all the additional information you’ll need from your campers and their families. And remember, our camp staff has worked with many different organizations that use various sign-up strategies. Your camp point person will be happy to help talk you through how the process could look for your camping group!
6. Work with Camp Aranzazu Point Person: After booking with Camp Aranzazu, you will be assigned a program team member (like me!) who will be your point of contact throughout planning and during your time at Camp Aranzazu. You’ll be able to discuss the details of your vision, create goals for your group, and collaborate with us on identifying programming that will support achieving those goals.
7. COME TO CAMP ARANZAZU: Once you make it to this step, your hard work will pay off when you see your campers hop into a sailboat for the first time, laugh with their cabinmates, and tell you they can’t wait for next year! While at Camp Aranzazu, our staff will put your schedule into action, facilitate all activities, and help your campers have a one-of-a-kind experience. We can’t wait for you to see all the smiles you helped make possible because you took that first step to become a partner!
8. Debrief Camp Session: After your time with us, our team will lead a debrief to discuss the camping session and identify areas of improvement, strengths, and get your general feedback about your group’s time at Camp Aranzazu. This debrief will help us plan for the next time you’re able to partner with us.
If I could give one piece of advice to someone questioning whether they should start their own camp, it would be: DO IT! If you’re on the fence, it means you already know there’s a group that deserves to have the experience of camp — and it just takes that first step to get them there! I can’t wait to see the camping vision that you help create!