Marco Rubio Suspends Campaign After Florida Loss

‘This nation needs a vibrant and growing conservative movement,” the Florida senator said in his concession speech

The Campaigner
1 min readMar 16, 2016


By Campaigner Staff

Published at 8:30 a.m. EST

Florida senator Marco Rubio has decided to suspend his presidential campaign, he announced at campaign headquarters in Miami. The news comes after his stinging loss to New York billionaire Donald Trump in Florida, his home state.

“Ours is a special nation because where you come from here doesn’t decide where you get to go,” he said. “This nation needs a vibrant and growing conservative movement…and a strong Republican party.”

Rubio, who was one of the youthful senators swept into Congress during the Tea Party wave in the 2010 midterm elections, was viewed as a strong choice for president as the Republican party grapples with its problems with Hispanic and youth voters. He formerly served as Speaker of the House in Florida.

With his suspension, the Republican field now narrows to Trump, Ohio governor John Kasich and Texas senator Ted Cruz.

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