Reports: Speaker Ryan To Rule Out White House Bid

“He’s going to rule himself out and put this to rest once and for all,” an aide says

The Campaigner
2 min readApr 12, 2016


By Andrew Peng

Published at 12:10 p.m. ET

UPDATED (3:30 p.m. ET) — House Speaker Paul Ryan announced Tuesday that he does not want, nor will accept, the Republican nomination under any circumstances in an attempt to end speculation of a possible late entry into the presidential race in the event of a contested convention.

“Let me be clear — I do not want, nor will I accept the nomination for our party,” Ryan said at Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington.

Original story below…

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) will reportedly deliver a statement to the media at Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington at 3:15 p.m. ET to rule out any bid for the presidency.

According to the Hill, citing an aide, Ryan will “rule himself out and put this to rest once and for all.”

For weeks, Ryan has consistently and agressively denied that he could be plotting a behind-the-scenes bid for the nomination, to no avail. As GOP rivals Donald Trump and Ted Cruz battle for delegates in the lead-up to the Republican convention in Cleveland (but more pressing — the New York primaries), the “Never Trump” movement and GOP insiders have been bracing for a contested convention.

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