Why CampaignHQ AWS Integration is a Better Choice for Email Marketing than Mailchimp.

Vishal Singhal
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2023

Email marketing is a vital aspect of any business’s marketing strategy. It allows companies to communicate with their customers directly, promote products, and build relationships. When it comes to email marketing, businesses can choose to use third-party email service providers like Mailchimp or integrate with their own email server, such as AWS SES. However, there’s also another option — using CampaignHQ’s AWS integration. In this article, we’ll compare the advantages of using CampaignHQ AWS integration for email marketing instead of Mailchimp.

Advantages of Using CampaignHQ AWS Integration:

1. Cost-effective: CampaignHQ AWS integration offers a competitive pricing model, It is the most affordable email marketing software in market. This can be significantly more cost-effective than using a third-party email service provider. You can save upto 75% on switching to CampaignHQ from Mailchimp.

2. Personalized Support: CampaignHQ offers personalized support and consulting to help businesses get the most out of their email marketing campaigns. This can be particularly helpful for businesses that don’t have dedicated email marketing staff or technical expertise. According to a study by HubSpot, 65% of businesses said that a lack of resources was their biggest marketing challenge.

3. Deliverability: With CampaignHQ AWS integration, businesses can have complete control over their email sending process. This includes choosing which IP addresses are used for sending emails, which can help improve deliverability and protect email reputation. CampaignHQ also provides tools and features to help businesses improve their email deliverability, such as email authentication, feedback loops, and bounce handling. According to a study by Return Path, only 79% of emails sent by legitimate email marketers reach their subscriber’s inboxes.

4. Scalability: CampaignHQ AWS integration can handle large volumes of email and can scale up or down automatically based on businesses’ email sending needs. This can be particularly advantageous for businesses that experience fluctuations in email volume. According to a study by Statista, the number of global email users is expected to reach 4.48 billion by 2024.

5. Customization: CampaignHQ AWS integration offers a range of customization options, including email templates and segmentation tools, to help businesses tailor their email campaigns to their audiences. According to a study by Campaign Monitor, segmented email campaigns can result in a 760% increase in revenue.

Disadvantages of Using Mailchimp:

1. Cost: Mailchimp’s pricing can be expensive, particularly for businesses with larger email lists or high email volumes. As businesses grow, they may find that the cost of using Mailchimp becomes prohibitively expensive.

2. Limited Control: By using Mailchimp, businesses relinquish control over their email sending process. Mailchimp determines which IP addresses are used for sending emails and an be shared between the different accounts, which can impact deliverability.

3. Deliverability: While Mailchimp does offer some deliverability tools and features, businesses may find that their emails are more likely to end up in spam or junk folders when using a third-party email service provider.


Email marketing is a critical aspect of any business’s marketing strategy, and choosing the right email service provider is essential. While Mailchimp is a popular option, CampaignHQ’s AWS integration offers several advantages, including cost-effectiveness, personalized support, and greater control over email deliverability. By choosing CampaignHQ AWS integration, businesses can tailor their email campaigns to their audience, improve their email deliverability, and save money on email marketing costs. According to a study by Litmus, the average email marketing ROI is $42 for every $1 spent. With the right email service provider, businesses can achieve even greater ROI and grow their businesses through effective email marketing campaigns.

