4th of July 2021!

Camp IHC
Camp IHC
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2021

By Matthew Kaufman

Early this morning, campers raced down the bunk line covered head-to-toe in red, white, and blue! Wearing tutus, necklaces, bracelets, bandanas, and all things American, everyone was pumped for the holiday. Some even went around wearing American Flag capes! The spirit was off the charts. After raising and saluting the flag, we were off to the races!

Here’s a few of the amazing 4th of July activities our campers had today!

The Graduate Boys splashed around playing wacky water games on the Hill! They were tasked with filling up buckets with water with just a single sponge. Whichever team had the most water when the time was up won! After, some cooled down by dowsing themselves with what was left in the bucket.

The Rangers played a variation of European Handball. In this game, they had to knock over football pylons in order to score. First team to 15 points wins. Huddle up!

Tribe West Girls had a blast at regatta! They glided across the lake in an effort to be the first one back to the boating dock. They were all smiles because not one person tipped over their kayak (even as the waterski boat made some pretty gnarly waves)!

Our Hill campers also had the opportunity to compete in a biathlon! After sprinting down the bunk line, they jumped into the lake for a refreshing swim.

Finally, after one week of mitigating, we were able to come together as one camp. Campers and counselors were running and bright blue chalk was flying! We were finally able to take our masks off and embrace like normal. Good bye Covid! Away with the masks and bring on the hugs! To celebrate a successful mitigation, everyone gathered at Hill Soccer for a color run. Bright blue and white chalk flew through the air! Campers and counselors sprinted towards the center of the field for a proper welcome home hug.

Then we all made our way down to dinner for a classic 4th of July BBQ. Hotdogs were sizzling and the ribs were so tender, they were practically falling off the bone! We ate outside at the flagpole to enjoy the nice weather as “Born in the USA” echoed in the background.

After dinner, we came together for the first official full-camp campfire of the season. It was great to finally be back singing and dancing together! To top it all off, we then watched a spectacular firework show! Siblings, cousins, and friends sat together at the beachside to enjoy the explosive bursts of color over the lake. Campers ooh’d and aah’d as they watched the beautiful explosions in the sky!

Happy 4th of July!



Camp IHC
Camp IHC

A sleepaway camp where the stories told are more magical than you could ever imagine.