IHC Cooking Recipes — Explained by Campers

Camp IHC
Camp IHC
Published in
5 min readJul 26, 2019

by The Campers of IHC and Jessica Lucas.

Cooking is an essential skill that every child should learn before they grow up and become more independent. Cooking classes at Camp IHC are the time for campers to learn new skills, become more independent and take home some new recipes! Campers are asked to make brownies and cookies to smoothies and honey cereal bars. The possibility is endless!

We asked some of the lake girls what their favorite recipes have been so far this summer. This is what they said.

Chocolate Brownies

By Sydney, Lyla and Mona — Apaches

What You Need:



Two eggs


Coca Powder


Baking Powder


Chocolate Chips — White and Milk

  1. So the first step is to add one cup of sugar in the bowl and then half a cup of margarine. We then mix it with our hands! The messy person does this (that’s totally me). It’s the messy persons job to mix the ingredients together. Make sure you scoop the stuff up with your hands and really get in there. It does get kinda messy, but that’s why we choose the messy person to do it. Also, make sure to wash your hands before!

2. Once you have mixed it all together, it should start to feel like dough. Now we have to crack open two eggs into the mixture. Once you have done that, use a wooden spoon to mix it all together. It should look like the perfect consistency- liquidy.

3. You then add in a quarter tea spoon of vanilla and mix this all together. We then add in a quarter tea spoon of coca powder and mix it in so you can see the chocolate. It’s going to be really good once it’s finished.

4. Get some flour and add half a cup into the mixture. KEEP STIRRING! If you have an allergy, there’s alternatives for all the ingredients which is cool. Remember to scrap the sides of the bowl to get all the mixture into one. Make sure there’s no chunks!

5. Now that the brownie mixture is smooth, we’re going to add a quarter teaspoon of baking powder. After this, add a teaspoon of salt.

6. We’re now going to be adding in chocolate chips! This can be dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate. We added in milk chocolate and white chocolate! It just needs to be half a cup of each.

7. Again, mix it together. It should be creamy and you shouldn’t really be able to see the chocolate chips.

8. To finish your brownies, we’re going to put the brownie mixture into a baking tin with tin foil so it doesn’t stick. Use the wooden spoon to get it all out!

9. For the final step, you put them in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes!

10. Clean your area and clean your utensils and that’s how you make brownies at Camp IHC! ❤

Chocolate Chip Cookies

What You Need:


White Sugar

1 egg

Brown Sugar

Baking Powder


Chocolate Chips

  1. So the first thing we’re going to do is add a cup of butter into the bowl. Now we’re going to be putting in a teaspoon of brown sugar and white sugar. Mix it all together and make sure you get all the ingredients together!

2. Put in Vanilla and mix it together. It smells so good! The next step is too crack one egg into the bowl. Measure out two cups of flour and pour that into the mixture.

3. We’re now going to mix with our hands to mix all of the ingredients together. At the same time, add some salt into it. Baking powder is needed next. Add a teaspoon of that into the bowl.

4. It’s time for the best part, chocolate chips! This is nut free which is good. Use your hands to really mix them into the mixture.

5. You’re so close to having tasty chocolate chip cookies! Now that you have mixed everything in, it’s time to roll the dough into little balls or create little pancakes. You then need to put them on the baking tray to cook.

6. Once you have used up all the dough and put it on your baking tray, put it in the oven for around 10 minutes to cook!

7. And that’s how you make the most delicious chocolate chip cookies in the world! ❤



Camp IHC
Camp IHC

A sleepaway camp where the stories told are more magical than you could ever imagine.