IHC Evening Activities — Ranked

Camp IHC
Camp IHC
Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2021

By Matthew Kaufman

Now that we’re at the end of the summer, and all of our campers have tried and tested each evening activity, here is a ranked list of the most popular ones at Camp IHC!

10 — Art Fest

Art fest includes a Gallery rotation where campers get a taste of all the IHC creative offerings: Arts and crafts, ceramics, fine arts, wood working, cooking, Lego, and more! When it comes to this activity, the possibilities are endless.

9 — Extended Free Play

Who doesn’t love free play!? You can do whatever you want! Downball? check! String? You bet! Basketball? For sure! And while campers have Free Play everyday, it sometimes feels too short. As an evening activity, there is so much more you can do.

8 — Pool Party

Did someone say Pool Party? One General Swim isn’t enough for our campers. An evening pool party is an awesome way to wind down, especially after a hot day. This year, our ‘Camp Brothers and Sisters’ had their very own pool party!

7 — Spirit Flagpole

Every Saturday night, our amazing counselors write division songs. Just like in Sing, each division chants about why they are the best and should win the Spirit Flagpole Competition. After each group performs, Joel’s hand ranks them accordingly. How high will Joel’s hand go? Nobody knows!

6 — Dancing with the Head Staff

This is another long time camp favorite. Each bunk draws a random song and head staff member out of a hat. Just like “Dancing with the Stars,” the campers are then tasked with choreographing a dance featuring their head staff member. The next day, they then perform it for everyone!

5 — KKB

Trivia, challenges and dancing? This evening activity has it all. One at a time, each team member quickly walks (everyone actually runs) to their judge. The judge then gives them a task to complete such as painting their nails, dumping a cup of water on someone, or even a trivia question. Can you name everyone on the IHC Leadership Team? What does it say on the Canoe at Third Hill? In between each round, everyone breaks out into a mini dance party. Woop Woop!

4 — Downball Tournament

It’s everyone’s favorite game on Boy’s Side. This relatively new evening activity is highly revered. Who thought that this classic rest hour game could be turned into an evening activity. At Camp IHC, anything is possible. During this tournament, a giant, division-wide bracket is created. There can only be one winner. When it comes down to the final game, everyone cheers as loud as possible for their bunkmates!

3 — Dress Your Bunk

Let your creative juices flow because in this evening activity, each bunk is tasked with transforming their cabin into a crazy scene. Each bunk is then scored on their skit and ability to reimagine the typical cabin. Extra points for whichever bunk is the cleanest afterward!

2 — Color Chase

Search all over camp, far and wide, to find the different colors. Each color will give you a stripe of paint on your arm. Whichever bunk finds the most colors wins. But be careful — there may be some staff looking to wipe your colors away!


1 — Campfire

There’s no wonder why this evening activity is so popular. Campfire is a wonderful time where we can come together as one community. Siblings and cousins spend time together and everyone has a blast singing classic camp songs. Some popular hits include “Puff the Magic Dragon,” “Funny Farm,” and “Leaving on a Jet Plane.” If you’re lucky, Fredrique may even make an appearance!



Camp IHC
Camp IHC

A sleepaway camp where the stories told are more magical than you could ever imagine.