Survivor 2019

Camp IHC
Camp IHC
Published in
7 min readJul 28, 2019

by Jessica Lucas

“There can only be one Survivor!”

Survivor. One of the biggest events of the summer.

It’s the time for Seniors and Varsity campers to eliminate their mental and physical strength, endurance and self motivation. Their outdoor living skills are put to the test in this event.

The divisions are split in all different colored teams to fight for the title of winning Survivor 2019. With nine different teams all competing to win, the atmosphere was intense from the get go. So… Who’s going to win this year?

The night before, hill campers went on a night trail through the woods of IHC to be surprised with the break out of Survivor 2019. The morning consisted of campers and staff cutting, ripping and burning their white tees. The designs and patterns that were created looked so realistic. They really are Survivors!

Face paint covered the faces of the camper and staff with some having hand prints on their arms and legs with some splattering drops all over their clothes and skin. It was safe to say hill camp was engulfed with color in these two days.

Teams lined up to march up to 3rd hill. Morale was boosted through the whole of the camp as the teams sung, screamed, squealed, chanted and marched up to the top.

It was time to start. Lets do this.

The challenge involved a log and rope wrapped securely around. Campers needed to unwrap the rope from around the log as quick as they could. As soon as the horn sounded, the campers slid under the log and climbed back over to untie the rope. Team members on the side cheered as the campers slid underneath the log. It was very intense to watch! As the first two people were close to unraveling the rope, the next person for the next section of the challenge got ready to run into the forest. The fastest person gets the most points for the team. The pressure was on!

Straight after, it was time for the Survivor trail. Campers ran through the back of the woods on 3rd hill to find the clues to help build their rafts for later in the day. The blue angry men were out and about looking the next camper to capture. If you were caught moving, you were OUT! The T-Rex dinosaurs were also out to play looking for campers who made any movements to scoop them away and remove points. BEWARE! It was down to the teams to get as many points as they could to push them up the board.

With many teams far ahead on the points board, they all went into the next part of the day, full of energy, ready to smash the next section of challenges.

Teams headed down to the Camp IHC lake to see the next set of tasks for Survivor. The gladiator stand was ready along with the rope climb across the lake. A series of other water races were set up, ready for the teams to conquer.

Teams took it in turns to complete the activities. Girls and boys fought against each other on the gladiator stand for extra points. In slow motion, one by one campers fell into the lake. The winners stood proudly on the podium showing off their power to the rest of the camp. Was anybody brave enough to compete against them?

On the other side of the lake, one team member at a time challenged themselves with the rope of doom. Campers needed to climb across the rope from one side of the lake to the other without falling off. It was hard! With all their might and strength, campers straddled across the rope, hoping to not loose grip. Many legs fell off the rope in the first couple of seconds. A lot gave up, but the few who carried on built up their strength and brought their legs back up once more. The determination on their faces said it all.

Meanwhile, the rafts were coming to life with the string, rubber rings, wood and sheets. The rafts were complete. Campers were suited and booted up in PFDs, ready to test out their masterpieces.

As the horn went off, campers paddled and pushed the raft into the lake, some rafts collapsed under the pressure whilst others stayed perfect (aka the purple team!) One by one the rafts went up and down the lake, hoping to get as many laps and points in as they could. After five laps, the event was over.

It was time for a rest, some dinner and to get prepared for the evening activity. It was time to hunt for gold…

Day Two

As soon as the sun rose, the teams were out of the bunks, in the Survivor gear and ready on 3rd hill. This was the day where patience, stamina and strength would all be tested to the max. To start the day off, Stump, logs and poles had to stand in their position. This challenge consisted with some team members standing on a stump, others standing on a log and switching positions without falling off and others touching a pole and not moving their arms off. All had to stay there for as long as they could to be named the winner. Treats and bribes were offered throughout the day with some maintaining their stance and others dropping off as soon as they heard the word ‘ice cream’. Some just can’t resist!

Meanwhile, the obstacle course was next on the list. This course has gone down in Survivor history books for years. You don’t want to miss out on this. People completing this course have to run, jump, crouch and swim to get through. There’s tiny tunnels to go through, water to swim, hills to run, tires to leap and so much more. This all has to be done while being timed. There was some that couldn’t go any further while others reached the end, refusing to give up. Everybody who took part did amazing and really pushed their limits to the max. Well done!

For the last few challenges, there was truck pulling, tire turning, and rolling of a large inflatable trampoline. Campers are tested of their strength and dedication with pushing and pulling in all of these challenges. As the teams screamed themselves forward the paint soon washed from their faces, replaced with sweat. Nobody wanted to be the person to let the team down, nobody wanted to be the person who gave up.

As the day came to an end, hill camp headed up to 3rd hill for the final time to find out who would be named the Survivors of 2019.

Anticipation could be felt in the air until…. “The Survivors are…ORANGE HORN SHEEP!”

To end Survivor 2019, Mark blew out the fire touch. Darkness. It was officially over.

Congratulations to the Orange team for showing strength, perseverance, courage and endurance.

Now… For the Survivors of 2020. See you soon!



Camp IHC
Camp IHC

A sleepaway camp where the stories told are more magical than you could ever imagine.