To the Future Staff of Camp IHC

Camp IHC
Camp IHC
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2021

By Matthew Kaufman

“The hardest job you’ll ever love.”

The traditional seven-week sleep away camp is like a small community. Often located in a fairly wooded area, a camp such as IHC is a private oasis from the fast pace nature of everyday life. It’s a place for growth and a space for innocence. While everyone has different experiences and beliefs, the summer camp industry attracts such a wide array of people from all walks of life.

At Camp IHC, we recognize these differences in interests creates a need for various staffing roles and positions.

We went around camp asking counselors for one piece of advice they would like to give to the staff of 2022. Here’s what they had to say!

Bri — Group Leader

“You just got to get creative. Life is all about going with the flow. Don’t get frustrated if things don’t go your way. Just go with it. Take your time. The summer is short so enjoy it.”

Laura — Nanny

“I would tell the staff of 2022 to expect the unexpected and embrace every single opportunity because Camp IHC has so much for everyone.”

Isaac — Waterski

“If I were to give one piece of advice, I would say come in with an open mind, lots of patience, and a watch because the time goes by quickly.”

Sam — Media

“Keep your mind and heart open to all camp has to offer. The best things happen when you least expect them!”

Jonathan — Group Leader

“Take advantage of all the free snacks!”

Haley — Cabin Specialist

“If I could tell the staff of 2022 one thing, I would say be your most weird and authentic self from the get-go because the kids are not going to judge you. They’re going to love that you’re the weird one and the one that’s unafraid to be goofy and want to do it with you. It’s cliché but it’s true.”

Garrett — Cabin Specialist

“I would say be very openminded. You really want to try out new things and step out of your comfort zone.”

Emmie — Head Counselor

“A piece of advice I’d love to give to incoming staff is to not take things so seriously because camp is a place for your inner child to come out and live life to the fullest.”

If you or someone you know is interested in working at Camp IHC, please contact us through our hiring website! Welcome Home.



Camp IHC
Camp IHC

A sleepaway camp where the stories told are more magical than you could ever imagine.