Visiting Day! — The Most Wonderful Day of the Year

Camp IHC
Camp IHC
Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2018

By Liam Macleod

10 months of the year we wait for the 2 months of camp to come around.

During those 2 months, there’s one day that has such a build up around it.

Visiting Day.

9.00pm — The Night Before

The night before there was an energy in the air, energy that was filled with anticipation and excitement, it was the realization that tomorrow hundreds of campers get to be re-united with their friends and family that make this place what it is.

The bunks were given a last frantic clean, teeth were brushed, hair was washed and campers crept into bed.

A rollercoaster of emotions awaiting them in just a few hours…


The day began with the mist silently rising from Lenape Lake, the trees gently swayed with the morning breeze and as the campers woke earlier than they have all summer, the staff tried to keep them calm as their own secret excitement fluttered butterflies around their stomachs. Slowly but surely, families started to pop up and dot around the lower lake, some parents eagerly waiting at the start of the bunk line two hours early to catch a glimpse of their camper for the first time since arrival day.

As the morning crept forward towards 10.30 the campers returned back to their bunks from a camper talent show. Those nearest the start of the bunk line stood laughing on their porches, watching the parents line up with mild amusement.

Some of them far more chilled out than their moms and dads.


Joel’s hand suddenly went into the air, signaling a count down… 3… 2… 1… the rope was lifted. The bunk line dash had begun. Hundreds of parents started running down the bunk line, taking off like the start of a Formula 1 race… the only thing missing was Fleetwood Mac’s — The Chain playing over the loudspeaker. One videographer dared to film the parent dash head on and soon realized his mistake — picture the stampede scene from the Lion King.

For the next few minutes parents ran down the bunk line with bags, carts, trolleys and presents — followed by one lone grandpa that was not for wasting precious energy!

Campers ran from their porches and were met with bear hugs from dads and smothered in kisses from mothers. There were tears, there was laughter, there was love.

The cameras were turning left, right and center, desperately trying to capture the action and the emotion as campers were swept off their feet and into their parents arms.


After the initial catch ups, the campers and parents started to filter through camp, jumping from activity to activity and getting involved. Dads trying to prove to their kid that they’ve ‘still got it’ and Moms making sure they know everything that’s going on in their children’s lives.

“Show me that arm of yours son!”

“How’s your bunk?”

“Think you can beat your old man yet?”

“Tell me EVERYTHING?!”

Campers would start talking, and talking… and talking. Describing each day of their summer in detail, filling everyone in on their summer so far.


Everywhere you looked there was food, the new lodge was packed full of delicacies, from coffee houses, to pastrami sandwiches, from grilled chicken to pastas. Then there were the treats! Blueberry pie, apple pie, carrot cakes, cup cakes, home made bakes…

Oh, don’t forget the Cannoli’s.


As the afternoon raced on there was more action on the scorecards, fathers played their sons on 1v1 basketball games, people on waterski’s paraded the lake and the campers showed off to their parents how brave they were on the ropes course and rock wall.

Every tennis court was filled with games, the waterslide was constantly busy, the indoor sports complex was bustling, the pool was packed and the Arts & Crafts gallery was thriving.


At this point families dispersed further around camp to enjoy the last few hours of quality time together, grandparents could be found asleep in shaded deck chairs after giving up trying to keep up with campers.


As Visiting Day drew to a close and families filtered to the exits, there were hugs goodbye, kisses and tears. A stark reminder that we’re all part of one family and camp is a beautiful place that brings us all together.

It’s never easy to say goodbye. We prefer to say ‘see you soon’ because before you know it, summer will be over and those sad goodbyes from yesterday will be the happy hellos of tomorrow.


IHC had a big water fight…



Camp IHC
Camp IHC

A sleepaway camp where the stories told are more magical than you could ever imagine.