Campr is Live

Sebastiaan Schillebeeckx
Campr startup


The Campr web platform is live! We launched the beta version on January 28 and are very proud of it. Campr is not perfect… yet, but we’re getting there! Our team worked really hard on this version and even though the deadline was really tight, we made it.

A launch party was organized at our office to celebrate this important event. We wanted to present the platform to our family and friends, and others who were happy to join us. It was that extra push to put the beta version online on time.

We worked full speed on the web platform until right before the party. One and a half hour before our guests arrived, the web platform was ready and put out there for everyone to enjoy. No pressure!

We launched the website, gave a great presentation and had a fun party. But the show must go on. We were aware of the fact that there where some bugs we needed to fix as soon as possible. The web platform was tested live at the launch party. The morning after we made some changes. We are continuously optimizing the web platform to make it perfect. To do this, we listen to our users and use their feedback. Don’t hold back and share your thoughts!

The reason we were able to finish the beta version by the deadline was because of my very motivated and enthousiastic team. I really do believe this is the real strenght of a startup: a team that wants to go all the way, a team that is so motivated it will work day and night, 24/7, to make that deadline.

Our team may be compact, but it is a dedicated one, doing everything and anything to reach each goal and each milestone. By now, Campr has members in 32 cities in 14 different countries. Have you joined Campr yet?

At the moment, we keep on building our mobile app. Jot it down on your calender now: the Campr app will be released this spring! Another milestone we aim to reach. Camping should be easy and our app will make sharing camping experiences simple. We’ll keep you updated!

But for now, back to work!


