Logistics (Sequel)

Camwood Carats
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2022

Vare is hungry and tired. She arrives by noon as instructed but Aunty Sade says to “wait a bit”. By 1pm, Aunty Sade tells her she is going on her lunch break. By 2pm, the Manager is in another meeting.

Mr Kunle from Electricals strides in. He frequents the office to “toast” Aunty Sade. Today, he is doing a parodied number of Adekunle Gold’s Sade.

“Mr Kunle, stop it nowww,” Aunty Sade responds, smitten.

“IT Student, you’re still here,” he nods at her direction.

“Yes sir. I’m waiting for the Manager.”

“I told her the Manager is in a meeting. You know how Oga takes his time,” Aunty Sade replies, her tone surprisingly mellow, eager to please.


It is 6:30pm when the meeting is concluded. Aunty Sade goes in to tell the Manager Vare has been waiting for their logbooks. He walks out of his office.

“You’re the IT student rep, yes?”

“Yes sir. I am here for our logbooks.”

“I am sorry for the delay. I have now signed them.”

“Okay sir.”

Vare is exhausted.

“Are you ill? You look pale.”

“No sir. It’s just that we are the last group to submit our logbooks, and I’ve been waiting here for hours,” Vare replies politely.

“Yes. I am aware you submitted the logbooks for me to sign over a week ago; my apologies for the delay. I have had a lot to do this past week. I could write your department directly to exonerate you from any penalties.”

“Thank you sir. That would be very helpful.”

“Also, I was very impressed with your group’s reports. I will mention this to your HOD as well. My secretary here will notify the Accounts department to reimburse each of you for a remarkable job done.”

“Thank you sir!” Vare replies, ecstatic.

The Manager returns to his office.

In the outer office, Aunty Sade snidely comments, “You must be happy. Small work that you did, you’re getting paid.”

Too tired to care, Vare tosses the logbooks into her handbag and walks out.

