
Camwood Carats
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2022

A baptist worked with a single aim

For that was why he came

To tell of “He” that would soon be

Of he who would pay the fee.

Astrologers journeying in anticipation

Following a star, clueless, without notion

But hope of royalty somewhere

And the salvation with Him there.

Shepherds dazed by the bright light

With angels, singing God odes in the night

Because a messiah had come,

A saviour, ready to give up His life’s sum.

Memorable was the starry winter twilight

But much more was His life- dazzling and bright

Never have such marvelling wits been again seen

Never has such wisdom, again, in a young boy been.

At his hour he journeyed to the wilderness

The wily one was bent on putting him in a mess

But he was not to be distracted

For the work which lay ahead had to be completed.

Up to Jordan he went

And upon him there was the Holy Spirit sent

The fast had ended, work had to begin

Twelve others he called up as his new kin.

Water to wine, nets breaking with catch

The dead waking, he had no match

Seven food pieces for five thousand

Parables and miracles for the world.

The blind seeing, the dumb talking

The deaf hearing, the lame walking

He stilled the storm with a word

Showing his mightiness as the only Lord.

On a colt he rode perfectly

And Jerusalem shouted “maranatha” joyfully

After this was the time for the disloyal one

For it was the Lord’s time of scorn.

Over the thief he was chosen

To be put to death after being beaten

A shameful and sorrowful death it was

For the loss was to take place on a cross.

He was drenched in blood, grief-stricken

Clad in purple clothing

With a crown of thorns

Specially for the “King of the Jews”.

With no other means of averting it

The 33-year old performed the greatest feat

He stretched his arms and breathed his last

That all our sins be counted as part of the past.

Victory was won over death at last

The deed was done, the die was cast

The right-sided thief lay in paradise

Because of Jesus’ promise at their demise.

Jesus was lifted, raised

Appearing to all, worthy of being praised

He promises a new beginning

For all who truly repent of an old life of sin.

If he forgave those who mocked him while dying

He is able to do more for hearts yearning

He promised to send the Holy Spirit-to

Abide with us through.

Author’s Note

In the original handwritten draft, this poem was dated “Sundown 3rd November, 2010.” I remember it was the longest rhyming poem I had ever written at the time (a huge feat for this budding poet). I am grateful to God for the sheer inspiration.

