Second step: creating image generating system(Using Runway ML)

Hinako Kawai
Can artificial intelligencebe an artist
3 min readAug 7, 2020

Runway ML allows us to make a GAN(Generative Adversarial Networks) easily. Our team challenged to generate imaginary manga covers by Machine Learning.

1.We used actual Manga covers as a data set.(500 covers from mainly Jump Comics)

These are the samples from the data set

2. Using a Style GAN in Runway ML, we let the system learn the dataset.

→The more system learns, more precise the generated image be close to data set.

Unfortunately, because of the free model that we were using, we could take only 1500 steps.

3. Show the results!

The results were very interesting. It kind of reminds us of the title and illustrations, although it's out of human creativity or perspective.

(please be aware, if you are easily get disgusted by images)

Generated images transformation

