The Higher Education Mega Center in Guangzhou, China

Mikhail Kotykhov
Can Speak English
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2016


Xin Cai is a student in Guangzhou.

Where do you study, Xin Cai?

I study at the Guangdong Pharmaceutical University.
My major is Pharmaceutical Engineering.

Where is your University located?

My University is on the island.
Next to Guangzhou.
The place is called Higher Education Mega Center.
We have 10 universities and colleges here
and over 200000 students.

Pretty amazing, isn’t it?

Yes, it is.
We have University campuses here.
And the dormitories are right next to our campus.
We can visit every university’s library.
We have a wonderful school life here.

How big is the island?

The island is, actually, quite big.
Maybe you have to spend more than one day to walk around.
In our college almost all students go to classes by bike.

I am curious about the cost of living in the dormitory.
Is it cheaper to live there?
Or is it cheaper to rent your own accommodation?

Yes, living in the University dormitory is cheaper
than renting a room.
Our dormitory fee is 1700 yuan per year.
That’s about 260 US dollars.

Xin Cai, please tell us more about the everyday college life.

The college life is very colorful.
You can meet many good people.
There are many clubs and activities on our campus.
The same is true for other schools.
But I didn’t join any clubs because I thought they were boring.
Perhaps I might change my mind.

Do you go to classes every day?

We attend classes Monday to Friday until 5.10pm.
Sometimes I play football with my friends or run after school.
We can play soccer on a field in our college or other colleges.
The libraries and playgrounds are everywhere.
This is my college’s library on the picture.
My favorite place.

I see…

There are so many students,
often more than 2000,
run on Daxuecheng Inner Ring Road every night.
Some colleges, for instance, South China University of Technology
advise their students not to run here.
But no one follows their recommendations.
It is a very nice place to run
and they say you can meet your sweetheart while you are running.


Another interesting experience is riding a bike around the island.
When the weather is good,
riding a bike with your friends is a great choice
We have bicycle lanes
and the views along the road are very beautiful.

Thanks a lot, Xin Cai.

You are welcome.

Photos: Xin Cai.



Mikhail Kotykhov
Can Speak English

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