How I Became a Caregiver.

The Reason for this Publication.

Lisa Martens
“Can you help?”
1 min readOct 4, 2019


Someone I know and love has leukemia and needs a transplant. I have agreed to be a caregiver during this time. They also have children, so I have been watching the kids as well. This publication will be about this experience.

We will be in Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for the next couple of months. I intend for this publication to be less about the patient experience, and more about the caregiver experience…the experience I can speak to.

I hope this publication will be therapeutic for me during this time, and hopefully for others who are going through something similar. I hope this will be a good, creative outlet to express my hopes, fears, and concerns.

Thank you for reading —



Lisa Martens
“Can you help?”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: