Back To School Anxiety
The weariness I experience every August, and it’s not why you think
Every June I tell myself I have to quit my job—it’s true.
I then revisit the conversation at the end of every summer.
Not because it’s the end of summer, but another year has gone and nothing positive has changed in education.
If anything, the province and the school board, gave more policies in June, because you can’t go offending anyone the slightest bit these days.
I might be a little cynical—sure. But there’s more to this weariness than meets the eye.
I get it. Some of you might be rolling your eyes or making some comment about teachers complaining after vacation. I might be too if it wasn’t me.
But honestly, anyone who goes into teaching for the vacation is in for decades of disappointment.
Am I one of those people? No.
I’ve always loved teaching, but it’s not just about teaching anymore.
Last year in particular was tricky for me.
I had some parents cross serious boundaries with me between personal and professional time, and I had to get admin involved.