From Application to Approval: My Journey with the Canadian Visitor Visa

To obtain a Canadian visitor visa, you need to follow only two essential steps to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience: Plan ahead and Take it slow. This article covers the required documents and information necessary for applying for a Canadian Visitor Visa.

Mantosh Kumar
All About Canadian Immigration
3 min readApr 3, 2023


Canada Flag With Mountain Range View
Canada Flag With Mountain Range View [photo from Daniel. 2023]

You must have heard the proverb: “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”. Application for a Canadian visitor visa is no different than this.

By taking the time to gather all the necessary documents and preparing in advance, you can make the Canadian visitor visa application process less daunting and increase your chances of success.

Here are the documents you will need to prepare:

  1. Valid passport: Before applying for a Canadian visitor visa, make sure you have a valid passport that will be valid for the duration of your stay in Canada plus additional 6 months. For example, if you plan to go to Canada in Jan 2023 and plan to stay there for the maximum permittable time (6 months) then your passport must be valid until Dec 2023. This can be immensely helpful if you ever need to extend your Canadian visitor visa during your stay in Canada.
  2. Application form: You need to complete an application form for a Canadian visitor visa, which can be found on the Canadian government’s website. Take your time to fill out the form carefully and make sure you provide all the necessary information. Everything is online.
  3. Invitation letter from a Canadian resident or citizen: Even though this requirement is optional, this can be a valuable addition to your application, as this letter can strongly support both your purpose for visiting Canada and your strong ties to your home country. If your Canadian host can also get this invitation letter notarized in Canada, it will immensely increase this document’s creditability. However, if you are applying early, then it adds no value if you submit the notarized invitation letter, as it’s an optional document in the first place. Besides, in Canada, it’s a hassle to get documents notarized. If the visa officer asks for the notarized document while processsing your application, you can always ask your host to get the documents notarized and send it to them immediately.
  4. Two passport-sized photographs: You need to get two passport-sized photographs that meet Canadian visa requirements. Make sure the photos are clear and meet all the specifications.
  5. Proof of purpose of visit: If you’re visiting family or friends, you will need to provide a letter of invitation from them, explaining the purpose of your visit, including the duration of your stay, and any other details related to your visit. If you’re visiting for tourism, you can provide an itinerary or information on the places you plan to visit.
  6. Proof of ties to your home country: You will need to demonstrate that you have strong ties to your home country and that you intend to return after your visit. This can include proof of employment, property ownership, family ties, and other documents that demonstrate your strong ties to your home country.
  7. Proof of financial support: As an applicant, you need to demonstrate that you have enough funds to support your stay in Canada. This can include bank statements, pay stubs, tax returns, and other financial documents. Your host in Canada can also consider providing his financial statements for the last 6 months, along with the invitation letter, to support your visa application, but this is not required if you have enough money to show for your stay in Canada.
  8. Travel itinerary: You will need to provide details of your travel plans, including your planned dates of arrival and departure, and any other details related to your travel.
  9. Medical exam: Depending on your age and intended length of stay, you may be required to undergo a medical exam.

If you want to read more about providing evidences to support your intent to return and your financial means, please read: Your Ticket to Canadian Visitor Visa: Proving Intent to Return and Financial Means

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Mantosh Kumar
All About Canadian Immigration

A software ex-pat floating between India, Germany & Canada. Trying to build a alternative career. Lazy, Curious, Love coding, writing, sleeping & sitting idle.