The Apartment Dilemma: Convenience vs. Household Chores

To have more comforts, I had decided to relocate to another apartment with more amenities but then I realized — what will I do in terms of physical activity? To have good health, you must have a physically active lifestyle. If you work remotely and live sedentarily, you should either regularly exercise or do household chores. No matter what you decide but don’t live such a treacherous life filled only with comforts.

Mantosh Kumar
All About Canadian Immigration
3 min readMay 17, 2023


Person Sitting on Couch While Using Laptop Computer
The hidden struggle: Decoding the challenges of staying active while working from home. [photo from Pixabay. 2023]

Imagine a life where your work is entirely remote. You have the luxury of staying in the comfort of your own home, whether it’s sitting in your chair, lounging on your bed, or just nestling on your sofa. Your days are spent using your mind and moving your little fingers over the keyboard to accomplish your tasks. You have the choice to step into the real world on your own terms.

This is the lifestyle of most remote workers — a life marked by immobility, and an unkempt state that mirrors the inner turmoil within, left dishevelled and neglected, shrouded in silence.

Can you imagine the havoc such a lifestyle will silently wreak on your body and soul? Immobility and neglect seep into every corner, casting a shadow over your overall well-being.

Have you ever considered, how can you strike a balance between convenience and physical engagement amidst this sedentary work-from-home lifestyle?

In a previous article, I had shared my very own apartment dilemma I recently went through where I was pondering upon thoughts of relocating to an apartment which has a washing machine and dishwasher in the unit itself.

Are we going to relocate? The short answer is: No.

This whole episode made me realize the importance of incorporating physical work into my routine and lifestyle.

Embracing Physical Activity in a Sedentary World:

In a world dominated by screens and prolonged sitting, it’s extremally important to recognize the significance of physical movements.

If your work primarily involves mental exertion and your body remains stationary for long periods, finding ways to engage in physical activity becomes extremally paramount.

This raises a question: how can we break free from such a sedentary lifestyle and embrace physical movement within the realm of our daily life without sacrificing many conveniences we have?

If you pause and ponder for a moment, you uncover a profound truth:

“Even in the midst of our daily lives, the most unassuming household chores possess the remarkable ability to bring forth unexpected and invaluable physcial activities.”

While washing dishes or doing laundry may seem mundane, they offer an opportunity to infuse physical activity into our routines. Engaging in these tasks not only provides a break from mental strain but also allows us to stretch our muscles, get our blood flowing, and invigorate our senses.

Household chores can act as an antidote to the perils of a sedentary work-from-home lifestyle, promoting both physical health and mental well-being.

It’s a small investment with significant returns.

I wonder, what will I do when I finally delegate or automate most of my household chores? Will I join a gym? I don’t love that either; just another chore!



Mantosh Kumar
All About Canadian Immigration

A software ex-pat floating between India, Germany & Canada. Trying to build a alternative career. Lazy, Curious, Love coding, writing, sleeping & sitting idle.