Breaking the Mold: Designers as Problem-Solvers, Innovators, and Changemakers

Sumit Biswas
Canadiv’s Technology and Design
6 min readApr 13, 2023

Are You More Than Just a Designer? Breaking the Mold in Design

Once upon a time, designers were primarily thought of as people who simply created aesthetically pleasing things. They were often seen as being on the periphery of business or even just as artists. But over time, designers have shown that they can be so much more than that. They can solve problems, innovate, and create positive change in the world.

As the story goes, some designers started to question the traditional boundaries of their profession. They began to see design as a means to solve real-world problems and make a positive impact. They collaborated with other professionals and sought out new opportunities to apply their skills in meaningful ways.

Their efforts paid off as they began to gain recognition for their work beyond the realm of design. They were invited to join business teams and take on leadership roles in organizations. They worked on projects that addressed complex social, environmental, and economic issues. They became known as changemakers who were making a real difference in the world.

This story highlights the shift that has occurred in the design industry and the potential that designers have to break the mold and become problem-solvers, innovators, and changemakers. It shows that the traditional view of design as a superficial, non-essential field is outdated and that designers are capable of making significant contributions to society. By breaking the mold and embracing their full potential, designers can become powerful agents of change and create a better future for us all.

How Can UI and UX Designers Contribute Beyond Their Design Roles?

As a UI/UX designer, you are uniquely positioned to contribute in ways beyond simply creating beautiful and functional digital products. You have the ability to understand user needs, identify pain points, and create experiences that solve problems and create value for businesses and consumers alike.

In the healthcare sector, for example, UI/UX designers can play a critical role in improving patient outcomes and experiences. By working with healthcare professionals and patients, they can design digital tools and interfaces that simplify processes, reduce stress, and increase patient engagement. Whether it’s creating intuitive interfaces for electronic medical records, developing apps to track medication adherence, or designing virtual care platforms, UI/UX designers can make a real difference in the lives of patients and caregivers.

As philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once said, “We are our choices.” As UI/UX designers, the choices we make about how we design digital products can have a profound impact on people’s lives. We have a responsibility to use our skills to create experiences that are inclusive, accessible, and ethical.

In the financial sector, UI/UX designers can help banks and other institutions create better digital experiences for their customers. By designing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for online banking, mobile apps, and other digital tools, designers can help reduce customer frustration and increase engagement. They can also help prevent fraud and other security risks by designing interfaces that are clear, concise, and easy to navigate.

As design pioneer Charles Eames once said, “The role of the designer is that of a good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.” In the world of finance, UI/UX designers can be thoughtful hosts who create digital experiences that anticipate and meet the needs of their customers.

In the education sector, UI/UX designers can help create digital tools and platforms that enhance the learning experience for students and teachers. Designing interfaces that are intuitive and engaging, can help students stay focused and motivated. They can also help teachers streamline their workflow and create more effective lesson plans.

As philosopher Aristotle once said, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” In the world of education, UI/UX designers can help educate both the mind and the heart by creating digital experiences that are both informative and inspiring.

In each of these examples, UI/UX designers are breaking the mold and using their skills to solve problems, innovate, and create positive change. They are contributing to different sectors of IT in ways that go beyond traditional notions of design. By embracing their full potential, UI/UX designers can become problem-solvers, innovators, and changemakers in their own right.

As a designer, you have the ability to contribute to a project in ways beyond just designing the user interface. Your skills and experience can be leveraged to identify business problems, propose solutions, and even make product sales pitches.

What is the Role of a Business Analyst in Projects?As a business analyst, you can help identify gaps and inefficiencies in the existing systems and processes. By collaborating with other stakeholders in the project, you can come up with solutions that address these challenges, improve the overall user experience, and provide value to the customers.

As a philosopher, William James once said, “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.” As a designer who is also a business analyst, you have the ability to identify what is important and what can be overlooked, enabling you to make informed decisions that lead to success.

Can Designers Make Effective Product Sales Pitches?

Your skills in product sales pitches and convincing people can also be valuable assets to the project. By effectively communicating the value proposition of the product, you can build trust with potential investors, stakeholders, and customers. This trust can ultimately translate into support, funding, and adoption of the product.

Why is UI Testing Important in Projects?

As a UI tester, you can help ensure that the product meets the required standards of functionality and user experience. By testing the user interface, you can identify areas that need improvement and make recommendations for enhancements. This feedback can be used to refine the product and ensure that it meets the needs and expectations of the customers.

As philosopher Plato once said, “Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.” By conducting thorough UI testing, you can help ensure that the product is not only functional but also user-friendly and intuitive, making it more likely that it will be embraced by the users.

In a project, the ability to identify business problems, propose solutions, make product sales pitches, and conduct UI testing can make a huge difference in the success of the project. As a designer who can contribute in these areas, you have the potential to become a valuable problem-solver, innovator, and changemaker in the world of design.

In conclusion, designers have the potential to make a significant impact beyond their traditional roles by becoming problem-solvers, innovators, and changemakers. It’s important to constantly seek new opportunities to grow and expand your skillset and to never be afraid of taking on new challenges. With hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and grow, designers can become visionary leaders in the field.

However, it’s important to remember that no one can do everything alone, and collaboration with other professionals is essential for the success of any project. By working closely with others and leveraging each other’s strengths, designers can achieve great things in the world of design.

As the famous philosopher Aristotle once said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” So, designers should find joy in what they do, and strive for excellence in all their endeavors.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on the topic. Remember to keep pushing forward and never stop pursuing your dreams!



Sumit Biswas
Canadiv’s Technology and Design

Hi.. I’m a engineer turned designer.. trying to solve problems and make this world a little sorted and sweet place.. I casually write about everything..😊