Challenges faced by freshers and experienced candidates in Human Resource Business Partners (HRBP)

Prachi Yawale
Canadiv’s Technology and Design
4 min readSep 18, 2023

Human resources (HR) are frequently linked to hiring and operations, but they also include the largest portion of the IT industry, HRBP, which is quite similar to the operations section. The title “Human Resource Business Partner” (HRBP) incorporates both the client-facing and operational roles and responsibilities. However, I wanted to draw your attention to the challenges that both newcomers and seasoned HRBP professionals are currently facing.

HR professionals transitioning into the role of Human Resource Business Partner’s (HRBP) may face challenges in understanding the overall business strategy, goals and operations. This can hinder their ability to align HR initiatives with the organizational objectives effectively.

Lack of Experience

Where freshers in HRBP face the challenge of not having enough practical experience in handling various HR functions and responsibilities. As an HRBP, it is crucial to establish credibility and build trust with both senior leadership and employees.

This can be challenging as they navigate their new responsibilities, especially if there is existing skepticism or resistance toward HR’s involvement in strategic decision-making. Developing relationships with employees, managers and stakeholders can be challenging for freshers and they are still getting acquainted with the organization’s culture and dynamics.

Newcomers often struggle with understanding complex organizational policies related to recruitment, performance management, employee benefits, etc., which can hinder their ability to effectively carry out their responsibilities.

Grievance Handling

Dealing with employee’s complaints or grievances requires a sensitive approach that freshers may not have developed yet due to lack of experience. Newcomers may have limited exposure to dealing with employee complaints or grievances, making it challenging for them to navigate through sensitive situations.

Freshers need to stay updated on changes in labor laws and regulations that govern HR practices, which can be challenging considering the dynamic nature of these laws. The role of HRPB requires balancing strategic thinking with operational execution. Handling day-to-day tasks while also contributing to long-term organizational planning can be demanding and overwhelming at times.

Influence without Authority

Unlike traditional HR roles where authority comes from a hierarchical position, an HRBP must influence stakeholders across levels without formal authority over them. Gaining support for initiatives or driving change may require effective communication, networking skills and relationship-building abilities.

As an HRBP works with multiple functions within the organization, they need to be adaptable to different work environments, cultures and business strategies. Understanding the organization’s goals, strategies and financial implications is essential for an HRBP to align its initiatives with the overall business objectives of the company. To effectively contribute to business outcomes, an HRBP needs to leverage data analytics for insights that drive decisions related to talent management, workforce planning, performance evaluation systems, etc. However, a lack of expertise in this area may pose a significant challenge.

Managing Organizational Change

As a bridge between management and employees during periods of organizational change or restructuring, an HRBP must ensure smooth transitions while addressing concerns from all parties involved. One of the biggest challenges HRBPs face is managing resistance to change from employees. This can include pushback against new policies, procedures or organizational structures.

HRBPs must effectively communicate the reasons for change and address concerns to gain employee buy-in. As a bridge between management and employees, HRBPs need strong relationship-building skills.

They must establish trust with both parties in order to effectively address concerns and facilitate communication during times of change. Freshers may find it difficult to handle conflicts between employees or between employees and management due to their limited exposure to such situations.

As a bridge between management and employees during periods of organizational change or restructuring, an HRBP must ensure smooth transitions while addressing the concern of all parties involved. Balancing multiple tasks and priorities while meeting deadlines can be overwhelming for freshers who are still learning how to efficiently manage their time.

Adapting Culture at Workplace

Building trust and credibility among colleagues and superiors is crucial for freshers but can take time as they prove themselves capable in their roles. Each organization has its own unique work culture that freshers must adapt to quickly so they can effectively integrate into the team environment. To stay relevant in their roles as effective Human Resource Business Partners requires continuous learning of industry trends and best practices for talent management strategies as well as enhancing skills related to leadership development programs and change management techniques.

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