Introduction to Docker (Part 1)

Aakash Sonawane
Canadiv’s Technology and Design
3 min readDec 15, 2023

Understanding the Benefits and Key Features of Docker

Description :

This blog series aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to Docker, focusing on its significance in the application deployment process. It addresses the challenges developers and users face when running software on different systems with varying configurations.

To understand what Docker is, it is essential first to understand why Docker is necessary for the application deployment process. It often poses a significant challenge for developers or users to install and run the same software on different systems with varying configurations and specifications. Sometimes, the software functions work consistently across all systems, but at other times, it becomes difficult. Docker addresses this problem by simplifying the installation and execution of software, eliminating concerns about setup and dependencies.

What is Docker ?

Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to build, package, and deploy applications using containers. These containers provide a lightweight and consistent runtime environment that can be easily moved and executed in diverse environments. By encapsulating the application and its dependencies into containers, Docker streamlines the development and deployment process, enabling portability and ease of use.

Before diving into Docker, it is important for any developer to familiarize themselves with the following key features:

Container :

The container is a lightweight and isolated package that encapsulate an application and its dependencies and makes it portable and consistent across different environment.

A container is a running process along with the subset of physical resources of your computer which is allocated to that process specifically

Docker Image :

A Docker image is a read-only template that contains all the necessary files, libraries, and dependencies along with start-up commands to run an application.

Docker Hub :

Docker Hub is a cloud-based repository that allows developers to store, share, access, and manage Docker images. It is a central hub for pre-built images that can be used as a starting point for developing applications. It also allows developers to upload and share their own images.


$ docker run hello-world

In the docker terminal, if the developer tried to run an image that is not available in his local system but with the same name image that is available in the docker hub, then it can be accessible to that system as well.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, Docker revolutionizes application deployment by simplifying software installation and management across diverse environments. Throughout this blog, we have gained a brief understanding of essential Docker features such as containers, Docker images, and Docker Hub.

In the next part of this series, we will delve deeper into the inner workings of Docker. We will explore advanced concepts such as the Docker lifecycle, overriding default commands, and creating multi-command containers. By diving into these topics, we will enhance our understanding of Docker and its capabilities.

