Mirco-Frontends in React: A Guide to Building Scalable Applications

Canadiv’s Technology and Design
3 min readSep 20, 2023

As web applications continue to grow in size and complexity, developers are constantly looking for ways to improve performance and maintainability. One solution that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of micro-frontends, a technique that involves breaking down a large application into smaller, self-contained units called micro-frontends.

In this blog post, we will explore how micro-frontends can be implemented in a React application and discuss the benefits and challenges of this approach.

What are Micro-Frontends?

A micro-frontend is a small, independently deployable unit of a web application that handles a specific functionality or feature. Each micro-frontend is a complete, standalone application that can be developed, tested, and deployed independently of the others.

When multiple micro-frontends are combined together, they form a larger application that can be easily scaled and maintained. This approach allows for a more modular and flexible architecture, as well as improved performance and faster development times.

Implementing Micro-Frontends in React

There are several ways to implement micro-frontends in a React application, but one popular method is to use a library called Single-spa. It is a framework that allows for the creation and integration of micro-frontends in a React application.

To use Single-spa, each micro-frontend must be a React application that can be mounted and unmounted as a single-spa application. The main application, which is also a React application, then uses the single-spa-react library to mount and unmount the micro-frontends as needed.

Benefits of Micro-Frontends in React

There are several benefits to using micro-frontends in a React application, including:

  • Improved performance: By breaking down a large application into smaller units, each micro-frontend can be optimized for performance, resulting in a faster overall application.
  • Increased scalability: Micro-frontends are independently deployable, which means that each micro-frontend can be scaled separately based on its specific needs.
  • Faster development times: By dividing a large application into smaller units, developers can work on specific features and functionality without having to worry about the entire application.
  • Improved maintainability: Micro-frontends are self-contained units that can be easily updated and maintained without affecting the rest of the application.

Challenges of Micro-Frontends in React

While there are many benefits to using micro-frontends in a React application, there are also several challenges that must be considered, including:

  • Increased complexity: With multiple micro-frontends, it can be more difficult to manage and maintain the overall application.
  • Increased communication: With multiple teams working on different micro-frontends, communication and coordination can be more challenging.
  • Increased testing: With multiple micro-frontends, it can be more difficult to ensure that all of the micro-frontends are working correctly together.


Micro-frontends are a powerful technique for building scalable and maintainable web applications and can be implemented in a React application using libraries like Single-spa. While there are challenges to consider, the benefits of improved performance, scalability, and faster development times make it a worthwhile consideration for any project.

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