Leadership Style

Derrick Nguyen
Canal Circle Daily Blog
3 min readAug 1, 2019
Source: Internet (https://www.slideshare.net/margaretlakra/leadership-46603028)

Excellent leaders receive the respect of all employees, while managers sometimes just want to stand out and be known by many employees. You will also find that successful leaders are often clear in the information they convey, while managers often provide information in the form of “drips” as if they are rewards that cannot given out easily. Successful leaders, at the same time, are also personally responsible when the group makes mistakes, rather than blaming other members. Finally, a person deserves to be in the position of leader when they are more interested in the results than the details in the process of work.

There are many factors that make a good leader. Once they have achieved such a position, they all know how to motivate their employees to achieve the success of the organization as well as each of them. Great leaders possess the same characteristics and behaviors as enthusiastic, honest, and targeted lists, but they always choose the most important ones to accomplish. However, having these qualities doesn’t mean that 100% of you will become a good leader.

A senior manager needs to be flexible in the leadership approach and make full use of the advantages of leadership styles. This means, they must change their leadership style to match the situation and the modern operating situation of the company to ensure the best for both employees and organizations.


The model leader can be seen through the situation and most clearly shown is the slogan “Do as I do”. This style is most effective when the members of the group are talented, excellent, adaptive in response to the requirement of completing the earliest task of the leader. However, this model also have certain limitations such as creating high pressure, making employees lose motivation and not suitable for employees with low expertise.


The leadership style dictates that employees must execute immediately. Their slogan is “Do what I tell you”. Command leadership is most effective during the crisis period, such as a complete change in organizational structure, acquisition or in an emergency such as a fire. This style can also help control problematic employees when other methods do not work. However, it has the disadvantage of being able to isolate employees, be dissatisfied with leadership, and restrain ideas and creativity.


The coaching leadership style focuses on developing human resources for the future with the motto “Try this”. The coaching leader topped when the leader wanted to help forming team members and promote members’ strengths to work more effectively in the future. However, if employees are afraid to change or leader lack of qualifications, this style is not appropriate


The leadership style is geared towards the appropriate goal when the leader wants the members of the organization to look at a common perspective and focus on the goals to be achieved in the end, avoid being circulated into goals individually. This style can be accompanied by the slogan: “Come with me”, effective when team needs a new vision due to changing circumstances or just focus on goals without needing too detailed instructions. Leaders aim to inspire a entrepreneurial spirit and bring enthusiasm into each mission. However, it would be inappropriate for the leader to lead a group of experts — those with more knowledge and qualifications than them.


Democratic leadership style based on group consensus to find solutions, can be characterized by the slogan: “What do you think?”. Democratic leaders are most effective when leaders need the contributions of members in making decisions, planning or accomplishing goals or if they feel uncertain and need new ideas from fellow professional. In emergency situations, when time is needed (for some reason) or team is not given enough information to give the best opinions, you should choose other leadership styles.


The connected leadership style helps create emotional relationships, bringing a feeling of closeness and familiarity to each member to the organization. If you summarize this style in a phrase, it may be “Staff is number one.” Leaders fit in with most stressful situations perfectly to help employees when they need to be recovered from a mental or a leadership disorder that needs to rebuild trust. If only using this style, the only dependence on praise and encouragement can lead to lack of orientation for employees and not increase real productivity.

