The Pain Behind A Developer

Derrick Nguyen
Canal Circle Daily Blog
3 min readJul 25, 2019
Source: Internet (

I want to dedicate this blog to all of Canal Circle Devs. They have been working so hard to deliver the best product to our clients.

For devs, there are too many trade-offs that sometimes make them stand in the middle of a crossroads, choosing this one but loses the other. But when they choose their path, they must be willing to sacrifice something great to take what they think is good, although it may not be as good as you think, and if it fails, it is then that they are responsible for their own choices.

Continuous innovation of technology

Having decided to follow this career, first consider whether it is possible to study continuously and throughout life. Unlike all other professions, programming profession changes very quickly in technology so it is imperative that people in the profession always change, always updating new knowledge. Customers now always want to be fast, compact and cheap but prefer security to the maximum. That makes many talented programmers to race to new technology to compete with each other, to help dev work faster, help them as much as possible. But everything has its downside, improvement can be good, but it will create confusion for dev between a multitude of new technologies.

In particular, each technology continues to improve itself on newer versions that make dev always miserable, each time when a version come out is a real nightmare. The user is of course the best, every time the version is up, they can try the new function, the new interface. But someone understands that in order to have those beautiful things, the dev must have worked very hard, they could cry all night long, but still finish it for the customers.

Please sympathize with them, they have to make a trade off from learning the new framework to develop the product to spending time for themselves.

Unhealthy job

For normal people, sitting for a few hours before the computer is tired. People can get eye strain, neck pain, back pain of all kinds. But devs are different, because their careers are forced to sit from day to month. Devs have to face a computer screen daily that dims the whole eye, and sometimes when night comes, they still must continue to work.

Sitting a lot and being exposed to the radiation screen makes can increase the risk of devs’ health more serious than normal people. In particular, scientists have said that people who work with computers much will be prepared for the risk of infertility. So, please cherish devs whenever you can because they have dedicated themselves to the job.

Developer is not a dictionary

Anyone who is a developer sure to understand the feeling whenever someone asks for help to repair a computer. If you accidentally tell someone that you are a dev, people will think that you know all about information technology (including installing windows, fixing a printer, installing software, fixing a computer, fixing a network …).

What is Developer? They are the creators of applications, websites, software with code lines, period. Nobody teaches dev how to install win, fix printer, fix network, so please ask if they ask for help if they don’t know how to do it.

Derrick Nguyen

Marketing Analyst

