Of Course MAGAs are “Weird”

It’s what happens when you live in a fake world

Sean Myers
Cancelling Reality
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2024


There’s been some play in the media lately about how Democrats are criticizing right-wingers in the MAGA Mob for being “weird,” and how the MAGA rank and file is melting down over it.

3 things:

  1. MAGAs are weird because they live in the Right Wing Alternative Reality
  2. The way they behave is reasonable for that world
  3. Their reaction indicates that this may have actually pierced their bubble a bit

They Are Weird

Those on the MAGA train actually:



Sean Myers
Cancelling Reality

Author of the Cancelling Reality newsletter and author of Flight of Fools, a satire/fantasy about escapism — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B49PRRSF