Chemotherapy treatment for Ewing sarcoma?

mayur raval
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2020

When you get diagnosed with cancer, it can bring many changes in your life and your loved ones. Cancer not only affects your physical health but also your mental health. Ewing sarcoma is mostly witnessed in teenagers or children. Therefore, doctors fail to identify the symptoms at an early stage generally, which can lead to painful symptoms. This type of cancer affects the bones of abdominal tissues so the patients go through immense painful symptoms.

Ewing’s Sarcoma Cancer Treatment

Ewing sarcoma affects your day to day routine, but it is essential that you be patient and deal with your situation calmly. You must have an understanding of the disease to be prepared to deal with the real-time situations.

What is Ewing sarcoma?

Ewing Sarcoma

Ewing sarcoma is a rare cancerous tumour that develops in bones or the soft tissues that are around the bones. This is a rare malady that has less than 5 thousand cases per year in India. It forms a type of cell in the soft tissues. Ewing sarcoma generally affects children and young adults.

There are two types of round cell sarcoma. One with BCOR-CCNB3 rearrangements which affect the pelvis, arms or legs and is a bone tumour. The other one with CIC- DUX4 rearrangements which affect the trunk, arms or legs and is a soft tumour.

Symptoms of Ewing Sarcoma

It causes swelling, tenderness, pain and stiffness in the affected parts. The disease often occurs at pelvis and arm bones and legs. The patient suffers immense bone pain which worsens at night or due to any physical activity. The affected person is always lethargic and also loses weight and suffers from a prolonged fever. Ewing sarcoma however is not a genetic disease and neither any lifestyle or other influence has been discovered that instigates it.

Cancer treatment is a long process of radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Doctors from various cancer hospital in Bangalore suggest chemotherapy in treatment for all sort of Ewing sarcoma.

How chemotherapy helps in treating Ewing sarcoma

Chemotherapy treatment uses anti-cancer drugs which are delivered through a vein using intravenous therapy or at times by mouth in the form of pills. Even if the occurrence is in the bones, it slowly spreads to the entire body and drugs used in chemotherapy enters the bloodstream and affect the cancer cells all over the body.

Ewing’s Sarcoma Surgery

Chemotherapy is the first step towards the treatment of Ewing sarcoma, as it works at shrinking tumour which makes radiation and surgery more feasible. At times chemotherapy is used after surgery or radiation to destroy other cancer cells that entered the body. This lowers the chance of recurrence of cancer.

In chemotherapy, doctors use the five drug therapy which involves vincristine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide along with etoposide and ifosfamide which has proven to have an improved survival as compared to the traditional three-drug therapy. This treatment is called VDC/IE.

Doctors at cancer treatment centres in Bangalore suggest chemotherapy treatment to the patients with large and intensified primary tumours as they face more difficulty treatment compared to the ones with smaller tumours. These patients were treated with high dose chemotherapy.

Ewing sarcoma can not be prevented. The disease is not affected by environmental conditions, it is an inherited condition. If you find any of the symptoms familiar then you must go to your nearest clinic. In case, you are diagnosed with this disease then you should try to stay clam and opt for a wise treatment plan. This article will help you to understand the things that you need to know about Ewing sarcoma.

Note : After Reading above article if you want to take treatment click below link to consult best cancer specialists bangalore.

