find out!! How Hair Dye Increases The Risk Of Breast Cancer?

mayur raval
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2020

Cancer is a disease, that is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer can lead to accumulated damage to genes. Such changes may be due to exposure to a cancer-causing substance. Cancer develops when the mechanism of the body stops working in its regular self. The old cells do not die, but rather grow out of control, forming abnormal cells.

A tumour is formed by the accumulation of these abnormal cells forming a mass of tissue. In women, breast cancer is most commonly found. Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women during their lifetime. There are numerous hospitals for breast cancer treatment in Bangalore. Researches have been going on to find any connection between breast cancer and hair dye.

People with breast cancer

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a disease where the cells in the breast grow out of control. Changes or mutation in DNA can cause healthy breast cells to become carcinogenic. Breast cancer usually forms a tumour that can be felt as a lump, but not all do. There is a different kind of breast cancer. The type of breast cancer depends on which part of the breast cells turn into cancer. The different types of breast cancer are as follows:

● Most breast cancer begins in the ducts that carry milk (ductal cancer).

● Some breast cancer starts in the glands that make breast milk (lobular cancer).

● A few types of breast cancer like phyllodes tumour and angiosarcoma are less commonly known as breast cancer.

● Some cancers occur in the tissue of the breast and are known as sarcomas and lymphomas.

Hair dyes

Hair dyes contain thousands of chemicals. The substance such as aromatic amines and phenol goes through a chemical reaction to form dyes. These dyes become the colouring agent. Few hair dyes cause chemical changes in the hair shaft. People are exposed to chemicals in hair dyes through skin contact or inhale through fumes in the air. People who work around the hair dyes as a part of their jobs such as hairdresser and barber are more exposed than the people who dye their hair occasionally.

Relation between hair dye and breast cancer

The interrelation of hair dyes and breast cancer

Researches have been studying the possible link between hair dye and breast cancer for a long time. Researchers are working to pin down all the risk factors integrated with breast cancer. Older studies have put forward the facts that certain chemicals in hair dye can induce tumour in the mammary glands of rats. Studies which have looked for a link between hair products and breast cancer in humans have shown inconsistent results. As a part of the study, researchers accounted for a wide range of variables which includes age, menopausal status, reproductive history and also access the information about the participants who use hair dyes regularly. Researchers found the women who used hair colour frequently in 12 months were 9% more likely to develop breast cancer. The women who used hair dyes in every 5–8 weeks have an increased risk of breast cancer.

Studying about the hair dyes is difficult as all hair dyes are not the same. Different hair dyes contain different types of chemicals. Also, the ingredients used to make hair dyes have changed over the decades. Studying the recent hair dyes is quite different from studying about them from long past. The researchers found no significant connection between the use of semi-permanent or temporary dyes and breast cancer. It is too early to firmly say that hair dyes are one of the reasons for breast cancer. However, by avoiding these chemicals, women can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Scientist advises women to be careful while using permanent hair dyes.

!!! Watch the below video !!!

Dr. Santosh Gowda ~ Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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