N ways to prevent prostate cancer

mayur raval
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2020

The risk involves in prostate cancer is always high, and it has a tendency to progressively increase with the ages. While age, genetics, and diet always play a significant role in its cause, but there is no specific solution that can totally cure one of this problem. However, you don’t need to rely on a specific solution, as there are several preventive measures to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. To have the best treatment for prostate cancer and to know more about its preventive measures, you can check out some of the tips that are given below.

6 Tips to Prevent Prostate Cancer

6 Tips to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Eat Fresh Fruits and Veggies

To reduce the risk of prostate cancer, you should consider having fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to increase the intake of green vegetables as they help in reducing the cancer-causing substance in one’s body. A nutrient-rich diet not only helps you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also slows down the spreading of cancer. You can also emphasize on those fruits and vegetables that are rich in anti-oxidants as this lowers the risk of prostate cancer.

Consider Foods Rich in Isoflavones

It has been found in several researches and studies that a nutrient called Isoflavones has been effective against the prevention of prostate cancer. These nutrients are found in lentils, chickpeas, peanuts and in tofus. Isoflavones are not only effective in the prevention of prostate cancer but also reduces the growth of prostate cancer cells in the body.

Be aware of The Controversial Foods

The development of prostate cancer in one’s body is related to the type and the kind of food that a person intakes. Therefore, you should be aware of some of the controversial foods that are rich in fatty acid and omega- 3. Omega-3 are generally found in some of the fishes like trout, tuna, mackerel and salmon.

Reduce the Intake of Selenium and Vitamin E

Try to avoid those foods that are rich in selenium and vitamin E. A recent research has found that too much consumption of this thing can increase the chance of prostate cancer. Moreover, omega-6, which is found in vegetable oil, can also increase the chance of prostate cancer. Therefore to prevent the chance of prostate cancer try to maintain a balanced diet instead of focusing on the fat-rich diet.

Make Time for Exercises

To stay healthy and to reduce the chance of obesity, it is important for you to exercise on a regular basis. It helps to maintain a healthy weight and at the same time helps you in improving your body metabolism. Exercising regularly also helps you to prevent the chance of prostate cancer. You can try some of the exercises like running, bicycling, swimming and walking. Moreover, this also helps one to live a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Get a Medical Checkup

It is always important to have a medical checkup every once in a while. Older people should have a monthly checkup as this will help you to prevent the risk not just of prostate cancer but also of other potential risk factors. You can also talk to your doctors about the medical screening test, history of cancer if any, or ask for a dietary recommendation as this will help you to reduce the chance of prostate cancer.


While it may not be possible to cure one completely of the prostate cancer but taking preventative measures well in advance can help you in preventing the risk. Moreover, the tips that are discussed above will not help you to reduce the risk of prostate cancer but also help you to maintain a more healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Q & A :

  1. N Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer Men Shouldn’t Ignore
  2. Six Myths and Misconceptions about Prostate Cancer

