What are the most common head and neck cancer?

mayur raval
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2020

Cancer has become a major area of concern for the general public. It doesn’t occur on the adoption of an unethical lifestyle, but it can emerge in any part of the body. The matter of emergency in case of the cancer disease is determined by the stage of the danger it has been assigned to. The fourth- stage is considered to be the incurable stage of the cancer cell.

Cancer cells that start to grow in the head and neck become incurable if not treated early. They can grow out of control and number out the normal cells. The cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body as well. It may move to the lungs and infect the entire lung cells, which is called metastasis.

Common types of head and neck cancer are listed below.

Oral cavity cancer- It occurs in the mouth.

Oropharyngeal cancer- It starts from the mouth or the throat.

Nasal cavity cancer- It starts in the opening behind the nose, a space that joins the back of the mouth and the throat.

Paranasal sinus cancer- Starts in the opening, around or near the nose called sinuses.

Nasopharyngeal cancer- Occurs in the upper part of the throat behind the nose.

Laryngeal cancer- It begins from the voice box.

Hypopharyngeal cancer- The cells start to grow from the lower part of the throat behind the voice box.

Carcinoma- This occurs on the line of the cells, which is present in all parts of the nose, mouth, and throat.

Kinds of Treatment

Once the cancer cell is detected, one should be prepared to deal with the hardships during the head and neck cancer treatments. The common treatments offered are local or systemic. The following is the list of the options available, which is offered in the best head and neck cancer hospitals.

● Surgery and radiation treatments are used on cancer patients. It does not affect the rest of the body. This is called local treatment.

● Chemo and targeted therapy drugs have an impact on the entire body. They can reach cancer cells no matter where they are present in the body. They are called systemic treatment.


At times when the cancer cells are hard to operate on then, the surgery of the head and neck can be done to take out the cancer cells and an edge of healthy tissue around it. In some cases, the entire mouth, tongue, throat, or jaw box has to be removed. If cancer in the throat obstructs the swallowing purpose, surgery has to be done to put a feeding tube. A certain amount of risk is associated with the surgery, so it is advised to communicate well with the doctor before undergoing this treatment.

Radiation treatment

Radiation involves high-energy rays treatment. It can be used to kill the cancer cell for the following purpose

● To shrink the cancer cell in order to get rid of it through surgery.

● To kill the cancer cells that would have remained after surgery.

● To ease the problem which arises due to the presence of the cancer cell.

Side effects:

If the doctor suggests you to use radiation treatment, its side effects require to be discussed beforehand.

The following list showcases the possible side effects.

● Fatigue

● Skin changes

● Dry mouth

● Trouble in swallowing

Regular health check-ups are suggested to treat cancer cells at an early stage. Having cancer and dealing with one requires mental and physical preparation. The treatments can be hard, but with regular tests and drug intake, the problem can be tackled with ease.

