What are the symptoms and causes of Wilms tumour?

mayur raval
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2020

Wilm’s tumour also known as nephroblastoma is the cancer of the kidneys that generally occurs in children and rarely in adults. A parent must find the best hospital for kidney cancer treatment to cure the disease. Most kids with Wilms tumour survive and come back to the normal lives with nine out of ten children getting cured completely. Wilms tumour can affect both kidneys but generally affect only one. Wilms tumour seems to result from gene changes that occur early in a child’s life, perhaps even before birth. One can consider having kidney cancer treatment in Bangalore.

Image Source: https://www.cancer.net/sites/cancer.net/files/child_wilms_print.jpg

What are the signs and symptoms of Wilms tumour?

Most children do not show any sign of Wilms tumour and act, play, eat in fact live a normal life. Typical sign and symptoms include the following:

● A painless, palpable abdominal mass

● Loss of appetite

● Abdominal pain, swelling or discomfort

● Fever

● Nausea or vomiting

● Blood in the urine or discolouration of the urine

● High blood pressure in some cases which may cause chest pain, shortness of breath and headaches.

● Constipation

● Weakness and fatigue

● Rarely as varicocele

A firm smooth lump in the child’s abdomen is often discovered. It is not uncommon to find the mass to grow quite large before it is discovered. In fact, the weight of average Wilms tumour is at around e pound at the time of diagnosis.

What causes Wilms Tumour?

Wilms tumour is the solid cancer of the kidney that arises from immature kidney cells. For most children with Wilms tumour, no clear cause is known. Certain environmental factors may increase the risk of developing the disease. Some genetic factors like birth defect syndrome are more likely to develop Wilms tumour. Some of the cells that are supposed to grow into mature kidney cells sometimes don’t grow into mature kidney cells and even remain so after the childbirth. These cells, usually mature by the time the child is three to four years old. But if it does not happen it grows out of control which develops into Wilms tumour.

Some genes control when our cells grow, divide into new cells or die. Genes that help cells grow, divide or stay alive are called oncogenes. Genes that slow down cell division or cause the cells to die at the right time are called tumour suppressor genes. Cancer can be caused by DNA changes that turn on oncogenes or turn off tumour suppressor genes.

Kidney Cancer Treatment Bangalore


Treating Wilms tumour depend on the stages of cancer and the condition or histology of the cancer cells. A very aggressive tumour is treated with an intensive regimen of medicine to achieve the best success rate. A child with the least invasive disease will get less amount of medicine needed. The lower the medicine used to treat less the side effects will be:

Stage I: Cancer is found in one kidney only and can be completely removed by surgery. About 41% of all Wilms tumour are stage I.

● Tumour is completely limited to the kidney and is completely excised.

● The surface of the renal capsule is intact.

● The tumour is not ruptured or biopsied prior to the removal

● No involvement of extrarenal or renal sinus lymph vascular vessel.

● No residual tumour apparent beyond the margin of excision.

● Metastasis of tumour to lymph nodes not identified.

Stage II: Cancer has spread beyond the kidney to the surrounding area but can be completely removed by surgery. About 23% fall in stage II.

● No residual tumour apparent at or beyond the margin of excision

● Extensive tumour involvement of renal sinus soft tissue.

Stage III: Cancer has not spread beyond the abdomen but can be completely removed by surgery. About 20% fall in stage III.

● Inoperable primary tumour

● Lymph node metastasis

● Tumour is present at surgical margins.

In a radical nephrectomy, the surgeon removes the tumour, the kidney, ureter, adrenal gland and surrounding fatty tissue. All treatment plans usually include both surgery and chemotherapy. More advanced stages may require radiation therapy.

Note :

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