What Is The Best Treatment For Lung Cancer Stage 4?

mayur raval
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020

Stage 4 lung cancer or metastatic lung cancer is the most advanced stage of lung cancer and also refers to any lung cancer of any size that has metastasized to another lobe of the collateral lung, to another region of the body (the fluid around the lung), or to the other organs in the body.

The stage of cancer speaks how big the disease is and whether it has spread around or not. It is very crucial to know the stage of cancer as it helps the doctor to treat the patient accordingly. The treatment for lung cancer stage 4 is available for the patient. Numerous lung cancer treatment hospitals are available throughout the country to cure the patients going through this dreadful disease.

stages of lung cancer

How is the stage determined?

The stages of lung cancer use the TNM system:

T (Tumour): The size of the original tumour is described here.

N (Node): This speaks about whether cancer is present in lymph nodes.

M (Metastasis): This indicates if cancer has spread to other parts of the body (other organs like brain, bones, or liver).

A number 0–4 or the alphabet X is assigned to each factor. When the T, N, and M scores are quoted, then the stage is determined. The alphabet X means that no information about the elements could be assessed.

Symptoms of stage 4 cancer

The symptoms of stage 4 cancer depend on where cancer has spread. This means which organ has been affected by cancer determines the symptoms.

● If cancer has spread to the bones, the symptoms will be a pain in the bone or fractures.

● When cancer spread to the liver, then nausea, bloating, fatigue, jaundice or swelling in the extremities starts.

● Vision issues, headaches, difficulty in speaking are the symptoms if cancer spreads to the brain.

There are other symptoms such as lumps in the neck or around the collarbone, weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, abdominal or back pain, numbness.

Treatment of stage 4 lung cancer

About 40% of people are diagnosed with lung cancer when they are in stage 4. The five-year survival rate for those patients who are diagnosed with stage 4 cancer is 10%. The treatment for stage 4 cancer depends on how metastasized the cancer is. The treatment relieves pain without dealing with the cause of the condition. This is to ease the side effects and improve the quality of life. There are therapies to normalize the symptoms.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy helps to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be taken orally or intravenously as required by the patient. This treatment is now standard for lung cancer. Chemotherapy might not be the proper option if cancer has spread to the brain. Side-effects of chemotherapy depend on the dose and type of drugs like nausea, vomiting, hair loss, loss of appetite, fever, weakness, low immunity, skin rashes, irritation.

Radiation: Radiation uses high energy beams such as X-rays or protons to kill tumour cells. Almost all patients experience tumour progression. This treatment is used to shrink tumours and ease the side effects of the disease.

Immunotherapy: Specific drugs can be used to help the immune system to recognize and attack the lung cancer cells.

Surgery: Surgery is an option to remove the tumours from the lungs and the chest cavity. The surgery removes the affected lymph nodes. This process may be used to remove the tumours that are causing other side effects. This treatment is not a good option if cancer has spread to other organs.

Targeted Therapy: Specific drugs are designed to target particular receptors or proteins on cancer cells to slow down tumour growth.

Photodynamic Therapy: This therapy uses light and light-sensitive agents to shrink the tumours in the lung.

Many people support their treatment by stopping unhealthy habits like smoking, chewing tobacco and adopting healthy habits like staying fit and eating a healthy diet.

