Spotlight On Adil Hussain

An Indian Actor I Admire For So Many Reasons

Gurpreet Dhariwal
Candid Conversations


Picture by Gurpreet Dhariwal (On the left side is Jonathan Kennedy (Director Arts India, British Council) and on the right side is a Megastar Adil Hussain.

An ounce of behavior is worth a pound of words. — Sanford Meisner

Today is Adil Hussain’s birthday, and I believe there won’t be any better occasion than this to share my two cents about the actor I admire for many reasons :) Adil Hussain (Oh my goodness, I didn’t know he is on the Medium).

First of all, it was a privilege for me to attend this show ‘Spotlight On Adil Hussain’ at Indian Habitat Centre where Adil talked about his journey of life and how he entered the stream of acting. What truly inspired me was his willingness to admit the fact that he never chose acting to be his profession. It became his profession and that’s a different thing.

What was more encouraging for me as a writer was the fact that when someone asked him how one can become a successful actor and he told her that if you have courage to accept what if you may not become successful then would you still like to pursue it?

He further added that he would love to act until he dies even if he doesn’t get paid for it because this is what he loves from his heart and soul.

I could relate to it because I write for the same reasons. Art means to create something new every day and one cannot just wait for the higher return in order to be inspired. If it’s in there it is there.

Take nothing for granted. Make an emotional discovery as often as you can find one in every scene. Ask yourself: What is new? — Michael Shurtleff

Gurpreet Dhariwal is the author of Three books. Her books are available on Amazon, Flipkart, and BlueRose. Connect with Gurpreet at



Gurpreet Dhariwal
Candid Conversations

Author of Four books. Domestic Violence Survivor, Domestic Violence Advocate @BTSADV, Sketcher, Dog Lover, Poet.