Candidit™ Experience

D.M. Nichols
3 min readJul 26, 2019


The recruiting process may not be the only problem

Effective solutions need to address underlying environment, experience and expectations that all contribute to Candidit™ fit and employee retention and satisfaction. Oddly enough, most companies look only at their actual recruiting process, when they could or should be considering other factors to which their team or environment may contribute.


Your whole approach to recruiting is probably working against you. If you require an individual to present a resume, upload that resume into a parser, then require the individual to fix all the information that your parser failed to parse, then send an email acknowledging receipt, then send nothing for weeks, then send an email stating they were not selected or the position was closed … you and your system are part of the problem.

Candidit™ matches every Candidit™ to every position and provides insightful and specific feedback on qualification, fit and what to do next if a job is not quite right. We also provide omni-channel automated and human support for every applicant. Yes, to pull this off with huge volumes of applicants you need a very specific set of skills. Our goal is to reduce frustration for everyone in the recruiting process … recruiters included.


How many interviews do you have? How long does it take to get back to a candidate? Are you really just planning to hire from an agency or internally? Do your interviewers have better things to be doing? Are your job requirements logically impossible? Are your job requirements built for horizontal or downward career moves? How many disincentives can one organization put in place to push Candidits away?

Our process combines high tech with high touch that is capable of addressing communication gaps or manage through long steps in the hiring process. Our goal at Candidit is to identify and rapidly remove disincentives from the process. The first step is to get you and your team hiring based on competencies not narrative.


Most likely, your process is discriminatory. If you have people involved, there is bound to be some level of bias, because people have agendas and people have bias. Most of this doesn’t feel like it matters until you face a compliance issue. But let’s face it .. you and your job description are lying to the applicant, and the applicants and their unverified LinkedIn profile are lying to you. It is time to stop this nonsense.

Candidit™ uses a verified competency-based hiring approach to reduce and eliminate selection bias. We are built from the ground up by a team with deep DOL roots and compliance experience, and with the sensibility to know that there are humans involved in the process. Our goal is to approach your massive set of data with precision so that we can deliver clarity and quality.


Many of your applicants are likely in desperate need of a job. You likely know this because you have also been there. The result are processes that are more like hazing rituals … and in the end of the process the candidate is left with nothing other than rejection.

Candidit™ assists individuals in finding suitable employment even if they are not hired by your organization through our Candidit™ Exchange. Our technology also matches every user to every job in our system and provides tools to identify gaps and FiT and to help individuals chart their path to qualification.


Perfectly qualified applicants often do not apply for fear that they do not meet hyper-specific requirements. Our FiT analysis helps to attract the right applicants and our team is equipped to help you define your jobs by competencies rather than narrative descriptions. When your job requirements are what they job actually requires, and not just screening terminology, you will attract the right talent.

