Address Explorer — The Ultimate Tool to Enhance Your ‘Fishing’ Skills

Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2023

3 Scenario Examples

  1. ‘I want to get the gem through the Top Profit gainers with the highest Unrealized Profit. Cuz that are the tokens they haven’t sold. I can discover the oppty there.’
Address Explorer

Parameters Last 1M, addresses with:

– Total Profit >= $5,000

– Win Rate >= 70%

– Token traded >= 6

Ranked by unrealized profit.

Eg, 😎0xa98e, 😎0x2643, etc

What tokens are the proven smart traders still holding despite such a huge current profit? 👉 Get Gem

2. ‘I like to punch above their weight. I just want to get the top crypto trader addresses list who earned the Most Profit through the Least Cost’

Address Explorer

Parameters Last 1M, addresses with:

– All win

– Win Rate >= 70%

– Token traded >= 6

0x1dc6…faff:24x ROI, all win.

0x3dad…0133: 21x ROI, 71% win rate. Made $41,849 total profit from $2,039!

👉 Top ROI Gainer By Skills Not Luck

3. ‘I want the Top Profit Gainer addresses with high Absolute Profit in the last 1 month’

Address Explorer

Parameters Last 1M, addresses with:

– Over $10K profit in last 1M

– Win Rate >= 70%

– Token traded >= 6

And with activity within the last 14 days.

0x4653…db12: $1.5M profit, 93.33% win rate

0xcb64…618d: $173K profit, all win.

👉 Build Your Smart Addresses by Your Metrics

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