AxieInfinity(AXS) Skyrocket

Published in
Mar 28, 2022

Net Buy Amount

  • Keep increasing and has pumped 642.39% since 3d ago. Buy amount 1.42x bigger than sell amount.
  • 1 month Net buy amount ATH — Mar 24

Alpha trading tips: Net buy amount metric highly correlated with token price.

Trading Volume with Size Distribution

  • Volume increased sharply shows active tradings supporting the price upside
  • 42.27%: small trades
  • 57.73%: medium trades
  • no large & enormous trades

Retail investors are mainstream. It’s a community-driven increase


$AXS Net Buy Amount turned from positive to negative on Mar 25. The price upside ended, started to drop.

If you keep track of this token signal, you would be able to sell $AXS at the time when it was still up.




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