Experience the Best Trade Ever Now! Fastest, Safest, and Easiest

Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2024

Trade the FASTEST, SAFEST, and EASIEST way imaginable with our newest and most essential feature since TraderScan.

You won’t find this anywhere else, we swear.


1. Lightning-Quick Swaps

Within 5 secs on Ethereum & less than 1 sec on Base, from approve to swap.


– Pre-approved tokens
– Adjust gas spending for optimal cost vs speed based on current gwei

2. Seamless Trading

Get real-time signals -> instant security scans -> trade all on one platform.


Hover over any signal & click ‘Trade’, the swap will auto-fill the token for you.

👉 Sign-up and Enjoy The Fastest Trade Now!


1. On-the-spot security scans

Stop trades on honeypot tokens, keeping you safe.

Honeypot status keeps changing. It can be a honeypot token now but not before.


When you input a token on the trade, Candlestick will scan the token security again on the spot.

-> If it’s a honeypot token, the system will stop you from buying.

2. Unmatched Secure Wallet Powered by Turnkey
– Industry-leading key storage
– Passwordless authentication

👉 Sign-up and Stop Yourself from Trading Honeypot Tokens Now!


  1. Auto-manage your degen token list with ease.


– When you buy a token, Candlestick will auto-add it to your Candlestick wallet.

– Real-time price and latest 24h changes displayed without needing to import tokens

2. Track your trades’ PnL effortlessly

Powered by TraderScan, easily see your tokens’:
– Average buy & sell prices
– ROI, PnL & remain holdings

👉 Sign-up and Manage Your Portfolio The Easiest

Experience the revolution in trading. Trade faster, safer, and easier than ever before.

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