10 ONLY. We got everything ready for you.

Published in
Jul 11, 2024

Invite only. 10 only for close Beta.

We’ll have a super super big release upcoming (the most important one since TraderScan),


  1. batch auto copy trade
  2. 2. auto copy trade smart alerts
  3. 3. semi-copy trade, he sells u sell


Invite only. 10 only for close Beta.

What you will get: good addresses + funds. That’s all you need for a successful copy trade. 🍻

  1. Feed you the proven top-performing addresses by our super database TraderScan
  2. $50 airdrop in your wallet
  3. Top-tier plan access for a month

We’re running the testing internally. 👇Pic shows the impressive result in just 2 hrs!

Only apply if you have fun in trading! → send your candlestick account to support@candlestick.io.

Only 10 will be chosen based on your Candlestick activity.




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