Ship The 2 Freshest Smart Money Lists on Ethereum & Base

Published in
Jun 1, 2024

Happy June!

As usual, ship the freshest Smart Money lists on Ethereum & Base for the first of the month!

πŸ‘‰ Live Smart Money Trades on Ethereum

Outstanding performance over the last 30 days, 60 days, and 6 months:

Ethereum: 458 Smart DEX Traders & 150 Smart Meme Pro

Base: 71 Smart DEX Traders & 80 Smart Meme Pro

Data prove their trading mastery:

4 out of the Top 5 top gainer tokens are advanced bought by Candlestick Smart Traders, the same on both Ethereum & Base.

Trending on Ethereum

Ethereum β€” $PEW, $JENNER, $TUZKI, $PEEZY.

Base β€” $GCAT, $SKOP, $BOYS

Trending on Base

πŸ‘‰ Live Smart Money Trades on Base

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