Smart Money Trading Styles Analytics. Which One Is Best For You?

Published in
5 min readOct 27, 2022


  • There are 4 types of Smart Money Traders in the Candlestick address lists — Smart DEX Traders, DeFi OG, Crypto Funds & Smart Meme Pro Traders.
  • Different Smart Money Traders have different skill sets to trade profitably using different trading strategies.
  • Consider your style and risk tolerance before following Smart Money.

Different Types of Smart Money Trading Styles

Candlestick labeled 2,267+ Smart Money Addresses identifying by their tags such as “Smart Meme Trader,” “Smart DEX Trader,” “DeFi OG,” “Crypto Fund,” etc.

All these addresses are selected due to their profitability, e.g., profit ratio, win rate, etc. We observed different styles of them making money. For example, recently, we discovered a new token called $LEECH.

At the beginning of deploying, Smart Meme Pro 0f38 bought and profited 3.4x in 1 hour.

Smart DEX Trader joined the game until the token’s trading vol grew. A few hours later, Smart DEX Trader 5a25 got 69% via Swing Trading.

Latecomers profit smaller but still make it. So, consider your style and risk tolerance beforehand when you decide to copy trade with Smart Money.

Based On Your Risk Tolerance To Follow

  • Smart Meme Traders: high risk, high return. Small trading size.
  • Smart DEX Traders: medium — low risk, decent return. Medium or large trading size.
  • DeFi OGs or Crypto Funds: low risk, low return. Enormous trading size.

Smart Meme Traders — New Token Hunters

They are 925 best performers who traded 10+ memecoins & low-cap gems with a 70%+ win rate in 2022, selected from 600K meme traders.

Smart Meme Traders are always the first to buy new coins in small sizes and sell with 10x-1000x returns within a few minutes to hours. However, the risk is that sometimes they bet on scammers.

For example, on Oct 24, the Smart Meme Pro group made a 100x return in 3h by trading $MASYA, then they left this token and turned to find another new coin.

MASYA DEX Trades (Smart Money)
MASYA DEX Trades (Smart Money)

If you track more transactions of Smart Meme Traders, you will see they also failed in some tokens but had impressive returns once successful.

For example, the Smart Meme Trader 7d29 seems to be a full-time degen trying different kinds of new coins in small buys. This trader got high profits on $THE but also lost on trading some new cryptos.

THE — DEX Trades (Smart Money)

Smart DEX Traders — DCAers & Swing Traders & Position Traders

We have 850 labeled Smart DEX traders. They are active and highly profitable addresses generated by artificial intelligence algorithms.

We noticed their diverse trading styles.

Swing Traders

Smart DEX Traders also make quick profits by Swing Trading. Sometimes they almost hold tokens overnight, especially for trading some high-volatility tokens.

For example, on Oct 21, Smart DEX Trader e3c9 repurchased $FMON at $0.00008287. Historical data shows that this trader made 177% returns in the last round of swing trading.

FMON — DEX Trades (Smart Money)


Dollar Cost Averaging is the most common strategy applied by Smart DEX Traders, whether short-term or long-term styles. They use DCA to buy tokens at lower prices and reduce price volatility when selling.

For example, Smart DEX Trader 97385.eth loves to use DCA to accumulate tokens during the dips.

On Sep 12, we noticed that 97385. eth bought TSUKA tokens when the price retraced.

TSUKA — DEX Trades (Smart Money)

Then on Sep 16, while the token rebounded 18%, this trader continued accumulating via DCA.

TSUKA — DEX Trades (Smart Money)

This trader sold and profited on Sep 20 by DCA Strategy as well. But it was only a short time before he started building new positions for the next round.

TSUKA — DEX Trades (Smart Money)
TSUKA — DEX Trades (Smart Money)

Position Traders

Some Smart DEX Traders buy a token for the long term with the expectation of catching most of the profits with fewer trades and diamond hands.

Generally, they will invest multiple tokens to diversify an investment portfolio.

For example, Smart DEX Trader joegrower420 is a meme coin lover. He invested in TSUKA early and owned the top 1 balance among the Smart Money group back in Aug.

TSUKA — Top Holders (Smart Money)

On Aug 23, we detected that joegrower 420 bought in and became the second by $SUZUME balance.

SUZUME — Top Holders (Smart Money)

On Sep 8, joegrower 420 loaded $8,235.10 worth of $HOICHI tokens.

HOICHI — DEX Trades (Smart Money)

On Oct 12, joegrower 420 was in $Dwagon.

BABYTSUKA — Top Holders (Smart Money)




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