Relish of money and the taste of risk

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5 min readSep 15, 2016

If you follow physics, money never float¹ — bottom line you got to plunge for it and I comprehend that diving can mean giving up on everything you adhere to, plummet to the nadir so you can feel what it means to be on the zenith, an arduous task it is but stays the first brick to build success, and taking risks is inextricable to pierce and be a distinction from the crowds, some may take the shortcut and follow the Argent Facile² route, others may select the difficult path that relies on hard work and devotion, it’s your choice and I’m not here to adjudicate but only analyze the connotations of the “money dream” on humanity, if it works for you who am I to object ? it’s your life, your responsibility and encumbrance solus, reviling was never my thing I always adored pondering about puzzling questions and for today I would dare to ask “To what extent can some go for money” ?

We correlated time and money thus creating a greedy world, how foolish can we be ?

Time and money or what I like labeling the ultimate paradox, you see we mankind have short life spans compared to the environment around us so investing in our success using our own time is not glaring as some may think, waking up everyday for work you feel it, you sense that your time is more valuable than that minimum wage, you want to live and enjoy your time but the eye sees and the arms are shorter for such reach, everything revolves around figures today how can it be ?, true that some may find their gratification in such a style of life where their body clock is always ticking in exchange of money, but like everything in this universe a counterpart is always present and they are my subject for today, those are the people who never settle for less and wish for more, greedy perhaps ? or maybe because they understood the way life works, there is no such thing as a free lunch for them, no such thing as a paradise other than what they can make for themselves, to sum it up they take risks, they chose darkness and the journey for them is a dilemma between losing and gaining, they put everything on the line and in exchange they forfeit all of the characteristics pertaining to humanity and they are aware of that and feel the change implemented on them, they sense sadness like everyone else but once you make that first step toward such a goal returning unfortunately is impossible just like the arrow of time concept in physics, and slowly they are guzzled by the materialistic world we created to become later on brutes that ravage everything around them or maybe colossus that set the rules for us in today’s world, this coterie of people usually come from the misery belts, they witnessed destruction and tasted suffering and their urge to get out of such a life so hastily and rapidly made of them what they are today, you see them as a dark spot in the falsely illuminated paint of the world, but how can light be discerned if darkness was a nihility ?, a necessary balance they are to give our world a meaning and push us to perfection, we all have a story and so are they, nobody selects where he is born and to whom he is child, it is the early years environnement that define where we stand in the future, how can we think that we come equally and all bent to succeed in the same manner ? chances in today’s world are unfairly distributed, even knowledge suffers from censoring, to recapitulate it is ignorance and poverty that make the soil for such Anthurium³, we created an intricate system that obliterates the weak for the sake of the fittest, so if a clique of such cruelty exists today it is to show us that our system is flawed and emotionless and maybe we put the wrong guys in control. The logic of our world was created accidentally because in so many instances we chose materialism over humans, so all these variables put together give you a robotic structure so egotistical and selfish that it minimizes human merit and still are we using it to make our world turn, we forgot that it doesn’t serve us, we are emotional beings, survived through Eusociality, so how can we follow the steps of a system leading us to a peril where revolt, destruction and chaos are to become a verity ? we don’t think collectively that’s the issue, we see things in an individual way swathed with ego and superiority over others, the bad guys in my article are the portray of where we are heading, a future depiction of what we shall become if we insist on our error.

Did our magnanimous civilizations erupt to crumble later on because of our imbecile indelibility ?

My uncle used to say “Greed is a plague” and today I live to see it spreading unconsciously through societies, it is becoming a concept of life, a way for success, unfortunately, today you may be taking everything but for how long until you return it all and give even what you don’t have ? avarice is a vice that grows exponentially and put in jeopardy our identity and future, change for better shouldn’t be immediately on a colossal scale, fate of humanity is in your small gestures of everyday life and you know better that drop by drop the lake shall flood, so don’t underestimate your will for change and never think that you are alone I’m on the same page remember ?

Footnote :

1- Line from Rick Ross — Usual Suspects lyrics

2- Easy money that is made illegally.

3- A poisonous Plant .

Written by : Amine Asri — Co-founder of Candor a magazine dedicated to understanding the philosophy of our cosmos .

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