The trouncing change of human thinking

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5 min readFeb 12, 2017

Opting for the truth is what you need to do

While sitting morosely in a fast food restaurant on a well comforting chair, overlooking the bustle around me I was immersed by the overwhelming question about the truth and our purpose in this life, trying to correlate this question with the fact that we humans are only motivated by purpose, I was bedazzled and could no longer comprehend nor answer what pushes us to continue living while the goal behind this life is unknown, aren’t we the only species that has a sense of time and know when this latter runs out, so how can we live in solace while such a crucial question is still unanswered, I had to stop right there, the people around me were shirking concerning this paradox so why do I have to push myself into finding an answer for such a paradoxical question that even the Think Tanks of humanity couldn’t satisfy ?, up I stand to leave and attend to my business and there she comes to me this aging woman with a beam on her face asking politely

“Where are you from ? “

I replied instantly,

“The US”

she sat down in the chair in front of me and replied,

“Amazing! why don’t you have a seat and tell me more about yourself”

Awkward I started thinking but my curiosity kicked out so I sat down as she requested and the introductory part of our conversation has commenced, it was all interesting and enthralling until she brought the expression of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” then all of my heeds started to crumble down, “Gotta leave” I told myself, “Religion is a subject that I abandoned a long time ago so there is no gain for me being dragged into a conversation based solely on spirituality and absence of testable evidence”, she noticed the change in the liveliness of my talking, from being euphoric to becoming dull and she had to question

“Are you okay ?”

I responded,

“Yes, it’s just that I’m Agnostic so religion for me is mere mythology created by humans to make sense of the chaotic world around them, I would even venture to say that religion raises more questions than it answers so why bother believing ? ”

she gazed at me in an uncanny way and asked,

“but why ? why you chose such a path where you deny the existence of God and refute religion ?”

Replying I said,

“Simply because there isn’t enough evidence for the existence of a superior entity or at least it’s influence on our life, we may have stumbled in the darkness a long time ago and created God ourselves to explain the natural phenomena but today science is a blazing light and everyday we decipher the world around us and uncover it using testable, understandable methods”

that was the nail in the coffin for our conversation and me leaving became imminent so I excused myself out from the discussion but while heading out she stressed out saying,

“Remember that science shouldn’t be the enemy of religion”

I told myself “Yeah you are right after all science isn’t part of any conflict, science in its definition stays a system that organizes and construct knowledge in the form of verifiable explanations and projections about the universe, so science was never in animosity with religion it is simply a metric we use to assess the validity of any claim and it works wonders” and there I was outside heading home but on my way the question always persists and what the woman said sparked a new puzzle that at least I can answer, this latter is “Why do we humans resist change even if it was for our betterment ?

We are creatures of habit, change for us means loss of control, it’s a new territory with new obstacles and conditions so it’s only natural that we refute such transition cause we know that in a new environment we are frail, uncertain and what bothers us most is the fact that we have to do a lot of work to blend in but those reasons don’t deny the fact that change is forthcoming just like the arrival of self-extending economic growth and the start of the machine age 200 years ago, the truth can’t be covered for long. I comprehend that humans are afraid of taking sole responsibility for their destiny, the idea of being the foundation brick of every effect around us is frightening but it is the undeniable verity, blaming our mistakes on a supernatural being is soothing for our childish nature but deep down inside we know that we are the cause behind every ripple, to sum it up we are that pebble plunging into the pond. Some may ask why change our views ?, what’s in it for us ?, fair question but acknowledging the truth isn’t about the ported benefit it’s about being in accordance with reality, knowing that our destiny is shaped by human hands will push us forward after all we will learn to point our fingers to the ones who are really responsible thus pushing us to ameliorate our behavior in contrast with our life, we will learn to be humans for the sake of humanity itself not for the aim of the so called “GOD”, we will reach that Nirvana we always dreamed of and peace shall find us once again . Living helping each other and understanding that time is not a practice run will create an urgency of life that necessitate fulfilling which will straighten our trajectory and take us to the next level and also let us don’t forget the freedom from unfounded worries and the ability to construct a real morality based upon reality and our evaluation of the impact of our actions.

Living for the sake of each other is stronger than living to fulfill a baseless belief

“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful”

Today we live to see the connotations of religion on our society, wars and bloodshed for unproven beliefs, entire nations who can’t even define freedom and democracy because of the grip of religion and dogmatic ideologies, I believe that time has come for humans to make a stand for themselves and free their lives from the shackles of religion.



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I’ve seen all colors, dark and bright and i’m here to write about it, I’m also a programmer and an adventurer …