Can Narcissists Have Healthy Relationships?

Everyone wants to belong — I’d like to think narcissists are no exception and are capable of playing nice with others.

Nicole Bedford


My recent tango with a narcissist inspired me to carry out a relationship audit. This year I’ve been holding myself accountable and responsible for the behaviors I engage in that threaten my mental health and emotional stability.

I’ve been guilty of ignoring patterns that play out the same scenarios where I end up in bad ‘situationships’ with men — the most recent is proof of that.

Now I understand the pattern. In the past, I’ve ended up with narcissists, but for the most part, I was impervious to their mind games and manipulation — because I remained closed off emotionally.

When the red flags arose, I continued a sexual relationship but called them out on their games, or I kept my distance and eventually walked away.

Boundaries are essential in any relationship, but they are crucial with a narcissist. Either way, I continue to attract them; and in some shape or form, I encourage them before recognizing what’s happening.

The psychology and pathology of the narcissist cannot be changed; a travesty of course because everyone is deserving of love…



Nicole Bedford

Deputy Editor: An Injustice Mag. Words in Insider, Elephant Journal, Blavity, etc. Contact: