Everything I Thought I Knew About How Men Pee Is a Lie

Not that I was an expert before.

Sydel Brown


Photo of Washroom Sign of a generic woman shape and man shape. Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash
Photo of Washroom Sign of a generic woman shape and man shape. Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

I found something out last week that made me stop and reevaluate everything I know about how men urinate: men in Germany sit down to pee.

Huh? Really?

Since when?

My old roommate dated a German guy. He was over all the time. I never knew this about him. Granted, I didn’t follow him into the bathroom so…

Another friend married a German man. He even moved to Germany to be with him.

Neither of my friends ever mentioned this unusual habit.

Were they too embarrassed to tell me? Did they not know? Was it a secret?

I’m not sure the reasons, but I have to say this was a strange revelation to me since I thought men always stood to pee, unless there was an underlying medical condition or something else going on, like number two.

Actual photo of my toilet (not really, but this gives me ideas): photo of a toilet that has toilet paper for eyes and an empty toilet roll for a cigar. Photo by Marc Schaefer on Unsplash

When In Doubt, Ask The Internet

Turns out, according to the all-knowing internet, the women in Germany say it’s cleaner. No splashes.



Sydel Brown
Writer for

Writing about writing, sex, love, dating, relationships, and life with a twist of humor. Sometimes I bite. Can be NSFW. Buy me a coffee? Ko-fi.com/sydelbrown