Four Reasons Why The Narcissist Never Loved You

#1. Their idealization is based on a fantasy

Carrie Wynn


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Recently I talked with a friend that is in a relationship with a Narcissist.

He kept saying how much he wanted to help her and how much he wanted her to be in his life but that she is constantly shaming, manipulating, gaslighting, and verbally abusing him.

Eventually, I couldn’t hold my tongue any longer and I told him what I know he needed to hear but what he didn’t want to hear.

“Someone who is on the high spectrum of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is never going to be capable of truly loving you.”

It wasn’t well-received, he insisted that I was wrong, and claimed that underneath her “mask” she truly loved him.

My heart ached as I listened to him defend his abuser because a few years ago I was in the same stage of denial.

Here are the reasons why it is absolutely impossible that a Narcissist ever “loved’ you or was “in love with you” regardless of what words came out of their mouth.

#1. Their idealization is built on a fantasy

In the beginning, a Narcissist does most likely idealize you. They believe that you are perfect, and in their head, they build…



Carrie Wynn

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: