
The Case for Cock-eyed Optimism in a World Going to Hell

Remington Write
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2020


Yes, yes I am the same writer who gave the world “Not Going to Make It — And the polar bears are going to have a party”.

And I stand by what I wrote there. We’re trashing the place faster than it can recuperate.

We already know we’ve probably missed the last boat to skip the oncoming climate change crisis and, living in New York City, I marvel at the short-sightedness of the continuation of top dollar construction along a coast that’s going under.

We’ve got about ten million years’ worth of unbiodegradable plastic piling up and let’s not even talk about nuclear waste because you’ll just go home and push the refrigerator against the door. There are God knows how many still-unidentified chemicals building up in our bodies from everything from baby bottles (right?) to saran wrap. And this is just the tip of a very dirty, very old iceberg.

However, if anything, that’s even more reason to get up in the morning, plant a big old smile on your kisser and greet the day with open arms…

