Shave Your Head

Do it today and never again care if people are staring at you

Remington Write


Photo Credit — Cristie Guevara / NeedPix

Shave your head completely bald. To the skin. Do it now; today.

I have been telling women to do this since it completely changed the course of my life in 2000 and now I’m telling you.

Hair is a mask. A disguise. It is powerful and sneaky and wonderful and ever so malleable in its ways. We use it to communicate and to dissemble. Even very short hair. Even hair that’s only an eighth of an inch long is a form of cover.

I just wanted to see how it felt

I didn’t know any of this until I did the deed in April 2000.

All I knew was that during my Introduction to Zen weekend at Zen Mountain Monastery in 1996 (1) I’d been mightily impressed that all the monastics, men and women, were completely bald. I thought: I bet that feels great!

It took me four years to get up the nerve to do this crazy thing. That’s how incredibly powerful our attachment to hair is. Yes, I could grow it back, but what would I look like? What would people think?

Here’s a tip: don’t use a disposable razor

While one of those multi-bladed wonders will do the job the best head-shaving I ever got was at…

