3 Ways to Make Your ICO Marketing Campaign Stand Out

Samantha Cabrera
Susan Akbarpour
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2018
How can you set your ICO apart from the countless scams out there?

If you think choosing an ICO to invest in is tough — try marketing one. With the influx of ICOs on the market, it’s become harder than ever to distinguish yourself from the baseless and phonies out there. Scamming is abundant among ICOs and real people are putting their real investment into these false promises. Because of the global reach of ICOs, it’s become easy for makeshift companies to poise themselves as legitimate and take the money and run. In the world of ICOs, a scam is when the money collected during an ICO presale or public sale is stolen, failed to deliver their vision and the organizers behind said ICO vanish. According to Bitcoin.com 59% of them are effectively dead already.

Some of these companies do yield red flags that sophisticated investors spot. A company may make an unusually high promises for ROI without a thorough risk analysis, but in many cases, the entire operation reads legit from the outside.

In the case of Benebit, a highly buzzed-about ICO of 2017, things like a White Paper and healthy Telegram community were all in check — yet the people behind it made off with 2.7 million dollars. When well-funded ICO scams are checking all of the boxes, being able to afford absurdly high cost marketing campaigns, it becomes difficult for legitimate ICOs to garner the attention and interest needed for a success.

  1. Show how your ICO will be utilized. Distinguish yourself from everyone by citing what your product offer — and do it often. How is your token ICO filling a void and how will be utilized by real users reliant on any other sources of investment or revenue models than your company ICO’s proceeds. If so, how is your token removing a bottleneck out of your technology and making it easier, more efficient and more scalable than your traditional approach? Ideally, these are the questions an ICO should be able to answer quickly. Answers to these questions means you have an ICO that is reliant on a product, users base and a market that are always moving, growing and are capable to fund your vision. mCart by Mavatar answers these questions for brick & mortar retailers currently making outdated affiliate sales and phony advertising models irrelevant without imposing enduring back-office bottleneck of accounting for micropayments. Streamlining this model with mCart tokens empowers the retailer to reduce their workload and drive the new breed of sales people: from major social media influencers to traditional media to every shopper promoting their favorite products with family, friends and fans. With a whopping 51% of mobile time spent on media sites, device agnostic mCarts also allow publishers and media companies to monetize user-generated and professional content without relying on the cluttered space of affiliate sales or GDPR non-compliant advertising models.
  2. Illustrate the ways your ICO is legit. While a roster of seasoned industry professionals on your advisory board and not recycled figures, showing up in every ICO homepage can improve your profile and ensures the public sees you as an ICO with a trustworthy team, your management shouldn’t be afraid or shy away from public presentation. Be armed with the answers to questions people will ask when trying to poke holes in an ICO. No successful company pops up overnight (even if journalists enjoy painting this narrative for reader-appeal). Most sustainable success comes via years of work, organization and a team of people who understand how to execute an idea, and how to regroup and pivot when things don’t go according to plan. Be honest, vulnerable and present to your active forces in the field but far from flawless Mavatar CEO and co-founder, Susan Akbarpour, participates in numerous speaking engagements so mCart community recognize the face behind the brand, understand her vision and goal for leveraging blockchain, giving them the chance to learn, doubt and participate as early adopters who are crucial to help her product to cross the chasm.
  3. Keep the conversation going by increasing visibility on all fronts. Because new ICOs are always vying for the attention of potential investors, it’s vital to keep the conversation going — if you won’t, no one else will! Utilize social media for company news and announcements, but also keep the conversation going in the arenas that most benefit ICO where early adopters of your product and token frequent. Bitcointalk, Telegram and Medium have proven to be the go-to social platform of choice for crypto aficionados. A Telegram community may be small, but if it has active participants mainly developers who are asking technical questions and eager to learn about the product as well as ICO and most importantly plug your smart contract in Github: it’s a community worth having. Think of quality over quantity. Most important are community members who are able to spread the word about your product in the crypto community. Once you’re making the efforts listed above, the greater crypto community or early majority feel trust in the ICO and organically spread the word. The media makes it seem everyone and anyone is getting in on ICOs, but the truth is it’s still a niche. Worldwide, there are only 20,000 to 200,000 bitcoin millionaires. Reaching out to “Late Majority and Laggard” investors is becoming crucial to the ICO market. Your token customers and real users should be able to benefit from your high bonus presale and conduct their due diligence and recognize you as worthy ICO. They will unlikely be speculators who drop their hands right after your token gets released. Instead of spending our private sale resources on multi-bitcoin banner ads and paid rankings, we utilize our base. Our future customers who need to buy mCart tokens to run the next-gen of branded influence marketing campaigns. mCart was chosen as one of only 25 technologies to be showcased at the Innovative Exchange Concept this May at RECon2018. This major conference for commercial real estate professionals will show the exciting ways mCart will reinvent the in-store shopping experience for consumers. An active CEO, a team who communicates in a timely manner and active contribution to events and conferences are all smart ways to keep the conversation going.

Now is the time to push your ICO in the appropriate spaces. Ultimately, it’s the humans behind the brand that give people the confidence they need to invest. People who bring to the market an innovative product that can easily be integrated into an existing industry are armed with overcoming the challenges of marketing an ICO. Read mCart White Paper to understand how mCart will disrupt retail’s old model and bring shoppers back into brick-and-mortar stores and simultaneously give influencers what they earn with full transparency.

This originally appeared as a contributor post for Crypto Invest Summit on their own site.

