Converting Browsers To Buyers

Janine Just
Susan Akbarpour
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2018

With in-store retail flailing, everyone wants to know: how do we continue to get sales when so many consumers are buying online? One thing that’s vital to remember is only 10% of total retail sales are online shopping. Only 10%! That means there’s an entire 90% of purchasing power going on in-store. When working with this huge majority of retail sales, yet lacking zest to propel shoppers to visit stores, it’s time to re-evaluate and examine how conventional retail can shift to accommodate the digital shopper.

Conversion takes on a whole new meaning with C-Commerce.

Digital shopping shouldn’t be confused with online shopping. Digital shopping is the foundation of C-Commerce. C-Commerce stands for consumer-centric, contextual, crypto, collaborative and connected commerce. It’s everything retail should encompass to be keep up with the rapidly changing landscape of shopping. The consumer has drastically changed in the past decade and retailers must adapt converting browsers to buyers with a fresh approach that resonates with today’s shopper.

Digital shopping is the merging of in-store and online shopping for the true omnichannel experience. It’s about bringing together marketing efforts and technology so it is accessible to the consumer whether they’re in-store or online. C-Commerce is ideal for stores lacking identity or struggling with identifying their core audience right now.

Social sharing is the primary way shoppers make buying decisions, which means outsourcing to influencers and tastemakers is the smartest way a brand can get back in the game. Influencers share a product, their fans and followers are exposed to the product becoming browsers. The accessibility angle of strong C-Commerce means the item seen on an influencer’s Instagram page was easily tracked by the interested browser. Now the browser is in-store browsing, spots the item, has the tactile experience and makes a purchase. The item has followed them through this omnichannel shopping journey culminating in sale for the retailer.

Implementing the C-Commerce approach gives retailers the power to do this in the opposite direction as well. An in-store browser spots an item, feels it, possibly tries it on or tries it out and has an accessible means with their phone to virtually retain the item on an app, marketplace or social sharing platform. The browser continues browsing on mobile, is reminded of the item as they check out other products and now, in their own space, elect to make a purchase. C-Commerce understands the modern shopper’s approach to buying decisions and takes these things into account for an optimal shopping experience that feels seamless. Easier browsing means more buying with C-Commerce.

What is mCart?

mCart protocol is a decentralized marketplace/influencer marketing attribution platform that addresses the needs of shoppers, influencers, and marketers by leveraging blockchain. Using smart contracts, marketers, influencers and shoppers will be able to transparently and verifiably collaborate while giving each participant the right financial incentives to participate in the ecosystem.

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