Mavatar CEO Susan Akbarpour Discusses What Makes a Token Viable at Fintech

Samantha Cabrera
Susan Akbarpour
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2018

For the Silicon Valley stop on the Fintech Workshop World Tour, Mavatar CEO and co-founder Susan Akbarpour pressed on the utility of a token and reliance of the underlying technology on that token for a steadily increase over time.

The Pros And Cons Of ICOs Panel at Fintech World Silicon Valley.

The Fintech panel covered metrics for recognizing the legit ICOs. Some panelists and audience members believed the number of investors or the amount of money raised during ICO is what assigns value to a token.

Susan believes ultimately it’s the underlying product and the utility of the token to remove bottlenecks from a product, back office, market adoption and penetration that enhance the value of a token. Is there a real demand for the token to continuously exchange hands and be utilized in a clear way for consumers?

If so, then you have an established token economics poised to increase based on supply and demand and not at the mercy of speculators versus real users of the token who soon after releasing the tokens, drop their hands.

She used mCart tokens as an example of a token with clear utility to solve the problem of micro-payments in affiliate sales, influencers, content creators and even shoppers will constantly recommend products and verify purchases via social sharing functions on mCart-driven marketplace.

This consistent act of retailers funding the influence marketing campaigns with mCart Token, influencer selecting a product, leveraging content to recommend it to their audience and giving followers a quick, easy way to purchase the product and rewarded by tokens for verification of their transactions, while the system shows a 360 view of the products (real-time coupons and promotions, look-alikes, feature stories, availability online and in-store) is the ideal utility to increase value for a token. It’s a practice that millions of shoppers already do, only with mCart by Mavatar they will benefit from full transparency and involvement with this system and get the cut of the pie, leaving old retail affiliate sales models in the dust.

The utility token is vital for growth and mCart by Mavatar is entering the market with a healthy roster of advisors ICO investors can feel confident trusting. The company is encouraging the prospect customers and retail partners to participate in pre-sale and take advantage of the high bonus and establish a rigorous process for growth based on real users of the token who pre-sale to utilize the token from speculators.

